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Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, the first time I watched this episode, I expected Captain Gerard to finally give Hen her due instead of threatening her after saving that kid. Pure asshole this guy! That Preparation H line gets me every time 🤣🤣🤣

Anika Stanley

The Tommy foreshadowing is crazy


I love the “___ Begins” episodes. And Aisha’s acting in this episode alone was amazing. All the main actors are great in every episode, but I’m glad some of them get things like this to especially show how good they are.


Every one of the begins episodes are masterpieces and I can’t wait for you to reach them all. Easily some of my favorite episodes of this show. The way they let you get to know these characters in a much deeper more in depth way. I love them all.


wow, that was a great episode!

Tammy Miller

Keeps getting better and better!