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Ilsuk Yang

Yay! Thanks for doing my request! Yeah, you're not kidding when you said that the shit hits the fan in this episode! So, this show has nine episodes in three three-episode arcs, so you just saw the conclusion of the first arc (this is the episode that hooks most people). This show does not go where you expect it to! This show knows how to build and has great animation (the part I usually care about the least, but it's so gorgeous that I make an exception for this show), score, character building, and plot progression. These are characters that feel real! They're not caricatures of one-note personalities we've seen before! The decisions they make, make sense to what the show has shown us about their personalities and traits to that point in the story. This is easily one of the best things I've seen in the past few years, for sure! And I do hope you find the files for the first two episodes