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The two biggest questions in life; how does Mike Chang move like that? And how does Mercedes SING. LIKE. THAT? Both Mercedes and Santana deserved the win over Rachel! This episode caused the biggest flare up of my allergies so far on this rewatch, my god

Leia Smith

I’m a huge Rachel fan and can totally feel it when she sings


i know im really late, but i kinda agree. i really like rachel (unpopular opinion) most people dont like her and love santana, but im not the biggest santana fan. she is iconic for the show and all, but i dont like bully/ mean characters that much.(i was also bullied, with words since im overweight) maybe thats why. i also watched the show often (like when people react to it) even with some flaws, i love glee. i would say mercedes and rachel are on the same level for me singing wise, and i love every season. and actually like season 4-6 more then season 1 tbh

Sam Dulisse

Robin, the actress that played Jean Sylvester, was written off the show because complications from Alzheimer's was making it difficult and heartbreaking for the cast to continue with her storyline. Robin passed in 2019. They honored her here, and later on again, in a big way.

John buchanan

Was waiting for this one


This is an overall a good episode for covers. I loved your reaction to Naya's version of "Back to Black" though. It amazes me that Santana only had a small role in Season 1 (didn't get more of a storyline and didn't sing on songs until the second half of season 1) and then now a season later we've gotten both good storyline with Santana and also got to hear Santana's vocals more. "She continues to amaze me" - Travis...well I'm happy we aren't that far away from the start of Season 3. Yes we've gotten good/great Santana performances this Season but in Season 3 we are going to get some great Santana performances/covers. Without spoiling any storylines one cover she is a part of next season is my all time favorite cover from Glee and I would say 4 other covers she is a part of next season are in my top 20 favorite covers from Glee.

Nicole Sadler

Aww I loved this episode, so sad! Side note: Did you know Lea Michele is currently in Funny Girl on Broadway, and that's Rachel Berry's/Lea's fav musical?! You have to appreciate art imitating life there... it's insane lol!

Nicole Sadler

1 MORE EP LEFT IN S2!! So crazy how fast time went by Travis!!

John buchanan

Top 5 saddest episodes for sure

Ilsuk Yang

Jonathan Groff is such a good actor! As Jesse St. James, he makes me want to simultaneously want to punch him in the face and laugh at his hilarious lines! But, seriously, how dare he say that about Santana, Kurt, and Mercedes? They were all wonderful in their own ways. I honestly don't know who I would have chosen if I was in Mr. Schue's shoes (I just said that to myself out loud and chuckled)! I would probably lean towards Mercedes or Santana or Rachel (I know that's almost the whole list, but they were all incredible). I completely forgot that Jeanie died in this episode! And that funeral! So powerful, so sad, yet so uplifting! I remember some of what happens in the season 2 finale, but definitely not everything (my memory's slippin'). Either way, I can't wait for your reaction to it, Travis!

Annie Willow

Man this episode. Every time I watch it and they talk about the invisible tether it just reminds me how close this cast is and how absolutely devastating it is that they lost Cory, Naya, and Mark. I know the circumstances with Mark were very different than with Cory and Naya but they were/are still family and they lost him also. Jenna and Kevin are hosting Snixxmas again this year in honor of Naya benefiting Alexandria House. They go over the details on @andthatswhatyoureallymissedpod on IG (also their podcast is phenomenal).

David Guilmette

I knew this would make you cry. I hate this episode, but love it. I think you know what I mean

Gemma Rivera

This is an often overlooked and underrated episode in my opinion. The performances were top notch and yet again Naya blew me away with her ability to embody any performance they gave her. Just wait until you see what else she can do Travis. She is the most versatile performer on this show in my opinion


tbh though, he was kind of right, Rachel is really the only one who puts 100% into practicing so from a professional standpoint, his criticisms did make sense to an extent.


COMPLETELY AGREE, Mercedes' singing is on another level. The writers really had to bend over backwards to frame Rachel as the undisputed "best singer in the club" when Mercedes is RIGHT THERE. Santana is also extremely underutilized and skilled. Yes, Lea is incredibly talented, I won't argue that, but it's like you said -- when Amber sings, it hits different. You can FEEL it. There's passion and emotion and freedom and soul and power. With Lea I just always feel like she's acting. Which, I know she is, but her emotions don't come through in her performances very often imo. She always seems in her head, like she's thinking about what the audience is seeing and hearing rather than what she or her characters are feeling. That's why I don't really get emotional when she cries during her songs. It feels more like "I'm gonna cry here bc it's impressive I can cry on cue" than truly being immersed in the song. Amber Riley got done dirty by this show sometimes lmao, the writers' favoritism of Lea was no secret among the cast, but hey! Amber got a Tony after the show for her Broadway performance so justice is restored!

Siobhan Linehan

I like this episode but I have to completely disagree with you and very much disagree with the comment above too. I don't feel anything when I hear Mercedes sing but Rachel makes me cry every time, her performance of My Man is UNBELIEVABLE to me. You said that when Mercedes sings you just feel it, well when Rachel sings I just feel it. Lea is the best singer on this show for me and Rachel is my favourite character. Mercedes is ok but I never felt any connection to her. And you also say a lot how you love Santana, most people do. And she has a great voice but I can't stand her. She's a really horrible person, she's a bully throughout the entire show. The way she constantly insults people and tears them down really doesnt sit well with me, I was bullied all through school by people just like Santana. People who wouldn't beat me up but would hurt me with vicious words so similar to how Santana does. And I hate Jesse, he's a jerk. I just wish more people felt the way that I do, I often feel like the only person on the planet who loves Rachel over Mercedes and Santana. I'm always the outcast with the unpopular opinions. 🙈

Travis Manning

Who knows maybe my opinions on things will change after I have 10 years to think about them 😂😂😂😂

leslie martin

i personally share the same opinion! so at least we're 2 on this patreon lol

leslie martin

i think they're all good singers on glee, some are amazing, but choosing a best one is purely based on emotions and personal preferences. for example, i like Mercedes voice, she's an amazing singer, but she doesn't touch me. i don't feel a lot of emotions when i listen to her, i always feel like she's in a vocal performance and not so much an emotional one. Rachel's voice touches me. i love her performance and she can make me cry. kinda same with Santana. i know Kurt has a great voice, but i hate it and can only like his voice on a few songs over the show. i know Tina's voice is very well trained but i personally don't like it a lot. different preferences everywhere, to me, Rachel is the best singer in this show, she's the performer that makes me the most emotional and she has a unique voice imo.


Nah, we're three. Characterwise, Rachel is very hard to like sometimes, but voice-wise she is the holy grail. I love Mercedes' and Santana's voices too (I mean, everyone's got great pipes, obviously), but Rachel's is the only one that'll bring tears to my eyes in a regular basis. Kurt phrased it perfectly. She might be difficult, but she sure can sing. It's been mentioned on multiple occasions throughout the show too: Rachel lives for her art - it's everything to her and it shows - always. Mercedes and Santana have the tools, but there's just not the same devotion there imo.

Capri Zonica

Mr Schue promised he would give them all equal parts on the competition but Rachel got the solos and Santana only a part. Kurt and Mercedes got screwed. I guess Jesse got away with his plan.