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Cat King (edited)

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2023-06-09 03:29:21 Honestly this show has the best blooper reels. They admit they are super unprofessional on set. J2 have a saying they can't be fired because you couldn't do supernatural without sam & Dean but because of their behaviour it's made them basically unhirable on any other set.
2022-11-26 15:20:16 Honestly this show has the best blooper reels. They admit they are super unprofessional on set. J2 have a saying they can't be fired because you couldn't do supernatural without sam & Dean but because of their behaviour it's made them basically unhirable on any other set.

Honestly this show has the best blooper reels. They admit they are super unprofessional on set. J2 have a saying they can't be fired because you couldn't do supernatural without sam & Dean but because of their behaviour it's made them basically unhirable on any other set.


I love the bloopers, not only are they hilarious but you really get to see more of Jensen and Jared’s chemistry and personality. They were born to play brothers. Both from Texas, both of their ages and Sam and Dean’s ages are 4 years and 4 months apart. This is just season 2 and they’re already in sync like they grew up together check out the light the match part @1:58 and they say it will explode at the same time, love it! You will see more and more how their personalities are actually switched to some degree with their characters. Jared is always goofing off and eating a ton like Dean, while Jensen is a little more serious and health conscious like Sam.


I’m not sure if the water was the first prank on set, or just one of the big ones at this time. There are a few compilations of all the bts pranks throughout the 15 years, but that obviously has spoilers.

Denise Landry

The blooper reels just get funnier with each passing season! Cannot wait for season 3! Thanks Travis.


Ouh this was fun! I was waiting for it. Can't wait for season 3! :)


Jared’s eating is legendary while Jensen follows a more healthy diet.Total opposite of characters. Jared is also legendary for his flatulence! Many cuts of Jensen having to get out of the car because it smelled so bad. The ice water prank was planned by the crew and director to get back at Jared for all the stuff he had done. They found a way to get the guys phones from them and changed direction so Jensen went down first and Jared got most of the water.

Sheena Kinman

They used contacts for the first few seasons before they basically opened their own SFX studio so they didn't have to pay a outside company to do them

Lipglosskaz (edited)

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2023-03-12 06:49:28 literal brothers on set as well <3 love your honest reactions!
2022-12-11 01:23:46 literal brothers on set as well <3 love your honest reactions!

literal brothers on set as well <3 love your honest reactions!