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Flo (edited)

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2023-03-12 06:48:34 “This sounds like a Christian Rock song” lol that was my first thought too Haha I also used to think they sang “throw your dad away”, I remember googling what it and realising they sang doubt lol
2023-02-02 21:44:32 “This sounds like a Christian Rock song” lol that was my first thought too Haha I also used to think they sang “throw your dad away”, I remember googling it and realising they sang doubt lol

“This sounds like a Christian Rock song” lol that was my first thought too Haha I also used to think they sang “throw your dad away”, I remember googling it and realising they sang doubt lol


this rendition by lea in glee of For good from wicked was sooo good... not just in the singing but also in the fact that the actress who portray's her mother sang the origional rendition of the song in the very musical they broke into (kurt and Rachel) for the stage...

Sam Dulisse

Nice little foreshadowing they did with Sam mentioning 'If I was in love with a girl and not homeless, I'd totally go for it.'

Sam Dulisse

It was out of 50 groups. Not placing top 10 out of that many, after unprofessionalism and unknown songs (originals are awesome, but judges typically want familiarity with a twist, like mashups), it's not surprising they didn't place. Those songs were Regional caliber, not Nationals.

Staton Chapman

That Rachel n Kurt duet was so amazing

Monica Gomez

Blaine in this episode 😍

Ilsuk Yang

I always love watching the facial expressions of the New Directions members when they're seeing/hearing something suspect! It's hilarious! Much better originals this time around. I love the way Charice sings. I still think that Charice is the best singer that's been on the first 2 seasons. I honestly can't remember the next 4 seasons, just bits and pieces, but I always enjoyed the music. There's some big stuff coming, though...

Leslie Tolbert

I can't believe it is time for Season 3😃 I am really looking forward to seeing what you think of the Concert Movie 🎭 and thank you so much for watching it!

Nicole Sadler

Thank you so much for this, what a journey! I'm looking forward to the concert movie reaction and future S3 reactions! Love you Travis!! :)

Nicole Sadler

PS: I had a feeling you would cry during the 'For Good' performance, so incredible and emotional!!

Annie Willow

Before I even hit play I need to drop the full uncut version of the greatest original song from Glee right here. Behold the masterpiece that is “My Cup” https://youtu.be/q9rhJXohiBs and it’s absolutely about a cup not anything else at all and that’s not the reason that Naya was breaking character and cracking up. 🤣😂🤣

Ally D.

That’s one of my favorite performances from this show 😭😭 I’m so sad the episode cuts off the full song

Annie Willow

Brittany really is incredibly emotionally intelligent but she only shows that side of herself to Santana just like Santana is only soft and sweet with Britt. They are just so good for each other.


Ah yes the continued storyline of them never being freakin ready for competition till the last minute!! Lmao

JIM SCHMITZ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2023-06-09 03:28:51 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.
2022-12-01 07:52:59 I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.

I constantly wonder if they picked the songs they wanted to use first and then wrote the script around them.


With certain songs I absolutely 100% believe it, even if the storyline gets insane because of it lol


Whitney episode, am I right? All kinds of insane, but the performances were so fantastic.


Travis, I didn't realize it until you said it, but you're right. Will's solo does sound like a Christian rock song.


If you're talking about the actor who plays Sunshine, his name is Alex :) I don't remember what his deadname was so you may be talking about someone else but yeah, he's JAW-DROPPING in every song he sings. Insane vocals


I'm surprised you were confused by the kiss being taken poorly. Jesse was probably jealous, sure, but he wasn't wrong -- showchoir judges would absolutely feel that was unprofessional, to have two high schoolers make out during a performance. I do feel like the entire audience being silent was kinda weird, would've expected a more varied reaction, but I get why they had it that way. Emphasizes the awkwardness more. I mean, yeah, it was a sweet moment, but for a showchoir performance? Imagine being a judge and having to watch (underage) contestants kiss and rank it. in a national championship based on singing, it would be seen not only as unnecessary (making the judges have to wonder why a teacher had his students kiss onstage without reason), but inappropriate. Idk maybe it's just my choir/theatre background but when I first saw this scene I was like wtf guys this is NOT THE TIME. If I were one of their teammates I'd be pretty peeved that they put their on-again-off-again high school romance above something we'd been working towards as a group for two years. I'd be empathetic but still kinda irked :P


Also I CANNOT with how they went to NY with the plan "eh we'll just write and choreograph all our songs a couple nights before." Mr. Schue what were you thinking? 🤣 and you didnt even help them write the songs? How are you gonna rehearse all that and have it off book and in sync the day before competition???