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Just dropping a comment on something posted over a year ago... lol. I haven't watched this season in forever, but I remember being really annoyed at the twist when it happened. I didn't even recall that Alaric was the killer until it was revealed on this rewatch. It makes sense though, and this may be explained in the next episode, I don't remember, but just thinking out loud to myself, a resurrection ring is pretty powerful - there should be some price paid for getting to come back to life.

Cat King

Bloody SAGE!!!!! oooooh!!!!! Yes the Titanic was 15th April, 1912 "Dear diary a chipmunk asked me my name today..." might be in the top 5 funniest lines from Damon. And the important thing that freaks me out, there are 2 rings, and Jeremy is wearing the other ring.

Denise Landry

Season 3 is revving up - I cannot wait for you to see the rest Travis!! No spoilers, but it's about to get cray cray between now and the finale. Thanks - love your reactions!


always so happy when I see a VD episode uploaded! things are ramping up again :)

Yetzybeth Paolly Piedrahíta

Omg I love this storyline so much! Also, fun fact, Meredith’s actress used to be married to Paul Wesley (Stefan)

Tammy Miller

This show is unbelievable! So many twists and turns! Travis your reaction was epic!

leslie martin

Meredith Fell i love you!! i know she looked shady but in the end she's just so intelligent and was not blinded by her love for Ric, like the others! she deserves an apology lol