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I have the same alarm clock as Buffy. You will know Travis in a certain episode of Buffy. Don't want to give away any spoilers. 🙂

Ilsuk Yang

I remember those stretchy, sticky things, too, just don't remember what they're called. I see you're enjoying the sillier aspects of this show more, Travis. That's good. Embrace the silliness!


i'm glad the monsters aren't very realistic or else i might be grossed out lol

Max Ride

I loved this episode so much probably because there were alot of similarities between it and Ridley Scott's 1979 Alien which is my favorite movie of all time.

Sherry Sink

Kind of a gross and creepy episode with the thing in the eggs, but at least it's a funny episode.


Hey Travis! You start watching Angel season 1 after Season 3 of Buffy. Here's a link to a guide on how it's supposed to be watched, if you want to watch both shows together. They do have some crossovers. (There is no spoilers, just titles of the Buffy and Angel episodes in order.) http://buffyfest.blogspot.com/2009/04/buffyangel-episode-watching-guide.html?m=1


Also don't watch the intro/theme song of Angel on the first episode because there is a spoiler lol.