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I love this episode. Sandra Oh is a badass. And I love righteous indignation George. He was so mean and petty but you understand why. T.R. Knight did a great job with that.

Pearltheodora Rose

The thing is Cristina didn’t Rat out Burke because of the lives they could mess up , in that moment when he didn’t need her she was jealous, because she’s heart surgery crazy & in that moment he “took” a surgery away from her . She did it out of anger , not because she cared .

Pearltheodora Rose

And yes Travis ! izzie literally pissed off everyone , she feels and acts like she did nothing wrong 🙄


From my point of vue, Christina and Burke we're wrong not to say anything. But we have to admit that Christina is not the only one, and she panicked to see him struggle during the surgery, for the patient and that we was throwing her away when he was in bad shape. Let's not forget she's an intern. Burke should have said something a long time ago, even though it was hard for him. Christina does have a point saying that he was craving for her to find a solution, and she did find him one to help him not go crazy (a bad one obviously). And about Georges, for me he was the total asshole. I understand that this a complicated situation for him with his dad, but attacking Izzie like that about Denny. He knows better than anyone how she felt from his death. So, for him to bring that up like that, in such a rude way "the last time she took care of a patient, he died".. Izzie can be really annoying sometimes, and what she did to have the heart was wrong, but I felt like that was fair for her to say to him that he did not had the right to speak about Denny to her anymore since he kinda disrespected his memory. Plus, she said that he could apologize the day after, just not now. I think she was being a real friend, taking the bullet he sent because he's in a bad situation, and be able to kinda forgive him. I can empathize with people who did / said mean things because they're sad or hurt, but I don't like it, she hasn't done anything to be that rude.

Tammy Miller

Super super great episode! Can’t wait for more!

Charissa Kay

I've mentioned the music cues before but the second that final song started my mind was scrambling until I remembered the final shot with the door. I love this show for those kinds of things too. I think this show had the same music person (forgot the title) that the OC had (the show that pioneered musical cueing).

Angela S.

You saying “Get into YOUR OR” made me laugh and laugh.


this episode is /awesome/. lying is contagious.


Sorry but I don’t completely fault Derek for clearing Burke for surgery, first he didn’t feel confident doing it in the first place and everyone shoved it on him, and second he can only do so much as a doctor, especially if the patient isn’t honest with him, makes it doubly worse since the patient was also a doctor and knows better.


I'm sorry but Burke is a grown-ass man in a leadership position working with an injury that could've killed any patient he operated on. She may have been a willing participant and a bit of a driving force on keeping it secret, but it was his responsibility to come clean and he didn't, he only wanted to twice and both times he chickened out. That is on him, he can't put that on Christina. Now ofc Christina ratting him out to the chief was a betrayal of trust, but I can understand why she just couldn't keep it in any longer.


True, also complications can arise later on all the time. Burke should've told.


I think also bc she was scared he'd kill a patient and that blood would be on her hands too, hence the bankrobbery metaphor. Kicking her out of the OR meant Christina couldn't step in and worst case scenario save the patient he may kill with his tremor. Not to mention the walls were closing in with George knowing.

Sherry Sink

This episode is wonderfully complicated, and it's like one of those situations where just about everyone sucks. Lol. Yes, Burke should have been the one to tell the Chief, not Cristina, but... he didn't take any of the opportunities he had to say something, not just in this episode but multiple times before, when he held back. And this episode he did a bunch of surgeries right in a row and it was hard on his hand in a way he hadn't taxed it previously, which put patients at risk, which was scary, so Cristina just couldn't stay quiet any longer. Plus, I hate that Burke changed his words to suit himself - one minute he's telling Cristina they're a team, she's his team, he needs her; the next minute he's BLAMING her, and saying SHE made them be a team?! Bullshit, Burke. Bullshit. This is one of those things he seems to do a lot. When he's defensive, he blames others. When he wasn't blaming Cristina, he was blaming Derek. But not once did he take responsibility for himself. And then he has the nerve to shut the door in Cristina's face? He can be mad that she "told" on him, but he doesn't get to be all self-righteous because he was right there in it with her. And at the top of the episode he was the one telling HER that she was nervous for no reason, he was fine, he hadn't had a tremor in a while, she was making a big deal out of nothing, they're a team, she needs to remember that, blah blah blah. But as soon as everything goes to hell, he blames her and he blames Derek. He's such a dick sometimes. And then... Derek tried to blame Meredith! It's like, seriously? She didn't do anything wrong! She didn't know anything concrete until that very day. Before that, she just knew something was wrong with Cristina, but Cristina wouldn't tell her specifics so there was nothing Meredith could do. When she did know, finally, she was watching Burke like a hawk during that surgery, and Derek finally noticed the hand thing too. So he doesn't get to put it on Meredith either. These guys... they get defensive; they blame others. (And I get it - I'm sure we've all done that. As kids, especially, when someone says something that makes us defensive, we don't have the control or maturity to pause and rationalize our way through it, so we mouth off sometimes. But these are grown men, who continually blame their girlfriends (or wives) for stuff, when they have their own messes as well. The Izzy thing... eeesh. On the one hand, I get why she was upset with what George said. That was pretty cruel to bring up Denny in that way. He knows what a sensitive topic that is for her. On the other hand, SHE knows what a sensitive topic Meredith is for George. Yet she decided to blab about Meredith and Callie to George's mom, like a gossip, like that would somehow be okay with George? No way! So she was out of line too. She shouldn't have told his mom such personal stuff about him, or Callie or about anyone in his life. Just because his mom says that George tells her everything doesn't mean it's true, and Izzy knows George well enough to have kept her mouth shut. So I think she was cruel as well - especially treating the whole Meredith situation like it was just fun to gossip about, and no big deal, when clearly it's a huge deal to George (plus none of his parents' business! for George's sake as well as Meredith's). So Izzy was ridiculous and George was defensive and angry and worried about his dad (can't blame him for that), so ... it's all so complicated! But no one was behaving well. Except Meredith. I thought she was supportive and sweet and funny in this episode. And she didn't deserve Derek's defensiveness, so I'm glad she talked him through it and defended herself.


Although I don't like how far Burke took it - and I hate to say it because I love Cristina - but Cristina is technically at fault. If she hadn't allowed Burke's codependancy, this fiasco wouldn't have gone far. Burke would have either told Webber or walked away. He was ready walk away, at first, until Cristina talked him into practicing, then participating in surgery, with her help. That doesn't take Burke off the hook, by any means, because he's an established, well-trained professional, who has been doing surgery for way longer than Cristina has, and should have been the honorable person he claims to be. But, if Cristina wasn't there to push him, he wouldn't have had the cajones to move forward pass telling someone, or quitting. That said, that last surgery, was Burke at his most arrogant. But also, in a way, I feel he wanted to get caught. But putting it on that girl's surgery was the wrong way to do it.


That was messy AF 🤯


Cristina is not at fault. There are several factors that play into this dynamic, and Burke is the most guilty party. First off, hes an attending, and she was working under him as an intern. Just off that alone, he assumes total responsibility for things that go awry. Theyre also in a relationship with a power imbalance. This can contribute to why Cristina didnt speak out sooner. As the person in power, Burke, again, should assume responsibility for this. Cristina pushing Burke to rehab his hand isnt necessarily bad, its keeping his injury a secret thats a problem. Burke used her to hide his hand because he was scared of the 'what if'. And wrongfully Cristina obliged. They both shouldve said something right away, but ultimately its Burke's hand/body that is on the line and making decisions.


He could have opened his mouth at any time and he chose not to. That's 100% on him and no one else.


All I'm saying is that without Cristina, he would have. He wouldn't have had any other choice. Cristina gave him a choice. Was he wrong for choosing that option? Absolutely! But without Cristina's support, none of this would have happened.