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Thanks Amber!


Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, to me, lying about being pregnant is one of the worst things you can do (I'm looking at you Teri). It does make more sense in this situation since Brooke is a teenager and she eventually told Lucas on the same day she found out and she's still in a very emotional state due to the betrayal and breakup. On the other hand Teri Schuester kept up that lie for months and only admitted it when she was caught red-handed. But, no matter the circumstances, that's a shirty thing to do! Especially since Lucas was putting her first and all. All I gotta say is, Brooke, get an IUD, and, Lucas, wear a condom! And, Dan sucks!


I think they used condoms (they were buying some and got caught by Deb), it must've broken. As for Brooke's lie: she got the info right that moment when Lucas accused her of carrying someone else's baby when he was the cheater, so in that moment she got angry and lied. Which is not great but totally understandable given the circumstances.

Ilsuk Yang

Oh yeah, I totally get that, but there's a big difference between calling someone a cheater and lying about being pregnant. The only reason I give her a slight pass in that moment is because of what Lucas did and said to her. Well, that and the fact that these are teenagers who are bound to make more emotionally-based decisions


yes ofc that's wrong and if she had continued to lie about it I would've been really mad but she came clean the very same day and like you said it was a reaction to what he said not a malicious lie she planned to continue.

Travis Manning

Technically I think it was the next day. To me this episode goes over the course of two days. Not one. Halfway thru the episode it is dark when lucas tells Karen and I don’t think lucas was going to the cafe, to talk to Dan at the dealership, then talk to Brooke in the middle of the night. Lol.

Ilsuk Yang

Well, I did mention that in my original comment, Maria :) . Yeah, I did think this episode took place over 2 days, Travis (oof, I almost typed "Tavis," like, who is Tavis? 🤣), but I wasn't sure :)

Sacid Ve

"Call the po po on that hoe" hahahaha i just live for your commentaries hahahahaha it can be super serious and i just start laughing


yeah you guys are correct, she told him the next day. this episode was so heavy I didn’t even notice that 🙈

Jada S (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-12 04:55:13 Again I say, you will need a BIGGER DAN SUX SIGN. Make that mf the size of TEXAS!!! I can’t wait until you get further along in this show & I love your reactions❤️.
2023-06-12 02:49:45 Again I say, you will need a BIGGER DAN SUX SIGN. Make that mf the size of TEXAS!!! I can’t wait until you get further along in this show & I love your reactions❤️.

Again I say, you will need a BIGGER DAN SUX SIGN. Make that mf the size of TEXAS!!! I can’t wait until you get further along in this show & I love your reactions❤️.


I don’t know if anyone has shared this website with you, but https://oth-music.com/ has all the music found in the show by season/episode.

Nikki S

At least Brooke only lied for a couple hours, she did really think she was pregnant, since the test said positive so it was a scare at first. but yeah she shouldn’t have lied. For sure! And on a separate note he shouldn’t have cheated with her best friend lol an eye for an eye, I guess.? Teenagers lol. Im sure I would’ve said something shitty as a teen when I got mad. I wouldn’t have lied about a pregnancy but I would’ve made something up to hurt his feelings in that moment 😂 I’m ready to see some growth for the both of them! ❤️📈