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Revin MacGrath

Apparently I have some hot takes on this.. For one, I totally don't blame his parents. Charlie is failing multiple classes and not turning in work. He has been hanging out with Nick every day for weeks. Albeit understandable, he's obsessing over his new relationship. Nick had no problem doing his work. His mom only said until he's done with the essay. They can handle a few weeks not seeing each other, but Charlie's grades can't afford to miss the important work he's neglecting. Secondly, I feel like everyone somehow misses this. The teacher that separates Ben and Nick, he very clearly says "I don't care if you two fail your courses but I'm not gonna let you affect the others." He's separating them so they don't disturb the other students who are following the rules. I hope none of that comes off like I'm being rude or anything. Just explaining something that it seems countless people seem to miss. 😁 Plus again Charlie knew he wasn't supposed to see Nick for a few weeks, and snuck out. I think grounding is a normal and fair response when you directly do what your parents said not to do, he's still not focusing on schoolwork and is still going to Nick's.


Literally! Everyone acts like Charlie's Mum was awful for wanting her son to focus on his Schoolwork and it is so confusing to me. People act like she was abusive or something, which she so clearly isn't. She's just trying to get her son to focus on School for a bit because he is failing. Of course she's going to get rid of any distractions until it's finished... What's she supposed to do? Let him continue failing School and then not get into College or Uni? And let him get away with breaking rules? It amazes me that you're the first person I've found who sees things this way...

Travis Manning

She was doing a little TOO much by completely cutting them off … or trying to at least, which is why he ends up sneaking around, lying and doing it anyway. Maybe if she had an actual conversation if would have obeyed her. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Jenny V

all of the restrictions and grounding she made for Charlie makes sense and are understandable but my problem lies with her not really caring about her sons feelings. Charlie told her he has a boyfriend, there was no congratulating or feeling happy for their son finally having something good going on or any support whatsoever. It goes straight to rules, there was absolutely no interest in wanting to know about Charlie's life or feelings.

Travis Manning

I also have trouble remembering if she had a significant moments in season 1 whatsoever. So for her to come out swinging acting like she all of a sudden cares kind of took me by surprise. I really only remember the dad taking any sort of stock in Charlie’s life in season 1.

Revin MacGrath

@travis I do get what you're saying. Because realistically if you say you can't have this thing, teens will inevitably find a way to get said thing. And I agree that she could've had a proper discussion about it instead of just 'this is my rule end of discussion' she could've properly explained her reasoning and said it in a more empathetic way. I still stand by that his education was suffering because of his choices and that needed to change. I agree as well with the other commenter pointing out that when he mentions having a boyfriend his mom does have like a weird reaction. Basically it's a very nuanced situation with no one being all in the wrong, both sides having valid points.

Selena Strieter

I think the opinion people have regarding this scene also depends on whether they have read the Graphic Novel/Solitaire/This Winter... *potential spoiler* All I am saying is that people who know the Graphic Novel and Solitaire dislike her very much.

Travis Manning

For sure ! His schooling def is of importance I just wish she went about it in a diff way. The rebel teen in me was like “hell to the naw” - and I would have snuck around and broke the rules too. 😂

Travis Manning

I haven’t read them yet but I have them in my house. Maybe I’m picking up on the vibes. Lolol

Jenny V

^ this. I generally dislike her because I read the graphic novels and solitaire. she's just not very caring towards her childrens feelings and life, she does what needs to be done. Bit of spoilers: she is a very nuanced type of parent, where she's not directly abusive or bad in a way but just very neglectful and a bit confrontational

Ilsuk Yang

I see everyone's points, but in my opinion, Charlie got off pretty light. He was neglecting his duties as a student and a son. His mom even acknowledged his situation and his feelings (after the parent-teacher meeting). She could've handled Charlie sneaking back in better, but we also have to look at it from her view. His parents have been waiting for who knows how long while Charlie didn't even bother to text them to tell him he's ok. So, she's gonna be a little ticked off. It's clear that she's always been the disciplinarian of the family and that the dad is obviously a nonconfrontational sort of guy, so I'm not surprised that she responded the way she did. Honestly, she didn't even really fly off the handle all that much. She seemed fairly calm to me (maybe that says a little something about my upbringing, I don't know). Upon this rewatch of s2, I noticed that they've been hinting at something about Charlie fairly early in the season, which I did not catch the first time around. Hindsight is always 20/20 😉 Ben and David suck, but Ben sucks more 😒 I love Tao's relationship with his mom! She's so supportive and cheerful and adorable! My mom is like Charlie's mom, only more so. My dad is like Charlie's dad, but less so. Tao definitely has some serious self-image issues that he's dealing with which makes me wonder what kind of relationship he had with his dad when he was still with them 🤔 One visual detail I really appreciated was when Nick was taking his Math GCSE. I thought the visual storytelling there told us exactly how he was feeling without actually telling us how he was feeling (goes to show that "show, don't tell" really works 😁).

Ilsuk Yang

See, this is why I don't like when shows/movies put extra content in a different medium (i.e. the graphic novels). They can easily put those scenes (doesn't even have to be all those scenes, just the really important ones) in the show. I don't think we'd mind if we got actual 30+ minute episodes when taking away the 4 1/2 minute credits 😉. Btw, I didn't even know about the graphic novels until I saw this comment thread

Jenny V

technically there wasn't really anything taken out of the parent dynamic just yet I believe, so it has nothing to do with having a different medium. solitaire is a tori's novel set in the middle of heartstopper but was released first, so nick and Charlie were already together at that point. I'm sure we'll see more of their dynamic is season 3. But yeah, there's solitaire, radio silence (a novel about a character that isn't in the series but is in the graphic novels) and then 4 heartstopper graphic novels, there will be a 5th and that should be the last one

Selena Strieter

There will be 6 Volumes of the Graphic Novel Alice Oseman announced that there will be a 6th Volume I think.😅

Jenny V

ah I didn't know! I don't really follow her or the webcomic's updates, was waiting until it ends so I didn't have to wait in-between updates anymore. That's good!

Selena Strieter

The things that will probably change your mind haven't happened yet. The Graphic Novel is for free on Webtoon and Tapas if you do want to read it. There is also Solitaire in which Tori for example describes their relationship as a mutual dislike for each other.


Maybe Charlie's mom didn't come off to me as mean bc my mom would've reacted the exact same way when my grades were suffering. I agree she should've explained more that this is not against Nick but more in favor of Charlie's future but that doesn't make her mean imho just a strict and protective mother.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, I was surprised that this was considered harsh. I wish I had y'all's parents!


Wow! I'm excited for the discussions on some of the later episodes based on all this 🤗

Siobhan Linehan

Another great episode!! Tao is an absolute gem, I love how scared he is of his feelings for Elle. And Tao's mum is amazing, the way she calls Elle beautiful is so meaningful because of the hatred towards trans people at the moment. She's a great person. While Elle is I think also scared of her feelings for Tao, I don't like that she's pushing him away. It's great that she's found some new friends, especially a trans friend who she can relate to. But you can make new friends while not neglecting your long term ones, I hope she doesn't do that more as the season goes on. 🤞 But I loved her skimpy outfit, she looked SO hot. But my parents would've NEVER let me go out wearing a skirt that short lol. I would often go out wearing a big jacket but underneath I was basically in my underwear lol. I think most teenage girls did that at some point. But now I'm in my late 20s I can wear whatever I want. My parents still question it sometimes though. 😂😂 As for Nick's brother, you're right that he could've been worse. But he still was horrible. As a bi woman myself I've been told SO many times that I need to pick a side or that I need to stop being a coward and fully come out of the closet or that I'm just saying I'm bi for attention etc etc. Biophobia is such a problem, sadly within the LGBT+ community more than outside it, from my experiences anyway. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to accept that you can be attracted to all genders? That girl's hot, I'll date her. That guy's hot, I'll date him. That person's hot, I'll date them. It's that simple. 🤷 I look forward to watching the next episode with you soon. 😊

Amy Cope

I think it's just not particularly effective parenting tbh, as evidenced by Charlie sneaking out. If I was his mum I would have 1. Been happy and excited about him having a boyfriend and any discussion about the rules around said boyfriend coming over... probably wouldnt have been needed as we would already have rules in place around what's appropriate for friends vs romantic interests so I simply would have reminded him of said rules when Nick came over (much like Taos mum gently said "keep the door open" when she noticed the vibe between Tao & Elle had changed. Regarding his school work I would have first had a discussion WITH Charlie, not at him, to figure out exactly what the problem was and how we could approach it together to make sure he got back on track. That might have meant sitting down and putting together a schedule of what was due when, breaking it into tasks, estimating how long they would take and then he'd have to come home and complete that days scheduled homework task before he could go to see Nick. If the only thing he's excited about is seeing Nick then teach him how to use that as motivation to do what he needs rather than let it consume his whole life. It's the difference between discipline (from the word disciple meaning to teach) as opposed to punishment (meaning to inflict suffering as retribution for wrong doing) .... I am a mum myself and that's how I'm trying to raise my son, it's also how I was raised (dad was a teacher, mum was a nurse so they had a pretty solid mix of teaching/caring skills for raising kids) but certainly many other kids of my generation (xennial) had much stricter, more punishment focused parents than I did. Not so much these days though, know better do better and all.