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Ilsuk Yang

Man, it was such a blast to see this show as it was airing (it was also torture waiting for a new episode every week 🤣🤣🤣)! I always love how they connect everything together

Ilsuk Yang

And having telepathy as a power would suck really bad!


As we go on with the season, and we get to know more and more powers, I'm curious to know which one you would like to have

Alicia Cue

yes about your comment at the end, this show was really kinda groundbreaking because it was the first like superhero show type thing, came out two years before iron man so it was really trailblazing, but in 2007, when season 2 came out like halfway through was when the writers strike happened so quick rewrites and complete removals of planned plots were cut so because good writers weren’t working, the season shows for that unfortunately. but i still still it has bright spots and season three is better

Angela S.

I laughed so hard the second time you said “what had happened is…”

Madi H

I was so hoping Claire's father would fuck that boy up lol.