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Sherry Sink

P.S. The disgusted look on your face as Kaylee described Simon's birthday cake was hilarious. "Whaaaaaa---? Is that a meat cake with chocolate frosting? GROSS." Lol!!! (And I agree, lol.) But I do like that it's a small nod to how hard it is for them out in the "black," where it's difficult to get specific ingredients or purchase what you need when you need it, in contrast to the wealthy Alliance nations.)

Sherry Sink

Side note of fun info: after the show was cancelled, Alan Tudyk ("Wash") took that big red button from the set (the one that's supposed to call back both shuttles when Mal gets his "miracle" save). When there was talk about trying to get a movie made or find a different place for the Firefly show to air, Alan sent that red button to Joss Whedon with a note saying, "When you get your miracle, just hit this button and we'll all come back." How cool is that? That's how much the cast loved playing these roles and wanted to keep doing the show.