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Original Upload Date: Oct 2nd, 2021

*the sounds of crickets and forest at night* *the sounds of leaves crunching* *deep laughing echo* *the sounds of whooshes*

Good evening, and who might you be? *pause* Oh? What a lovely name. I rather fancy your ensemble you’ve put together. That beautiful, off-white cotton dress with the intricate weaves and lovely designs. Those shimmering shoes you have on and to put it all together, a lovely red hood. I love it *sultry chuckle* *long sniffs* Mmmmm that smells absolutely delicious. And whatever you have in that picnic basket smells tasty as well. *chuckles* [pause] Who am I? Well, my dear red hooded lady, I’ve been called many names throughout my years of being alive. But, how about just for you, you may call me Lucien. Lucien the Lyca--Lucien my dear. Pleasure to meet you. So, now that we are properly acquainted with one another, do you mind telling me what you’re doing out here carrying a basket filled with what I can only imagine is a delicious banquet of food? [pause] Oh? Your grandmother lives out here? What is she doing living out here in the forest? It’s practically deserted. [pause] Oh that makes sense. I can relate to the feeling of wanting complete and total isolation. Being in the middle of nowhere. Nobody to mess with you and nobody to come searching for you if you were to suddenly vanish. Haha only joking. So, is it safe to assume this is more of a care package than just you wanting to have a picnic at night in these forests that I call home? [pause]

Why yes, I do in fact live here. I’ve lived here for as long as I can remember it being only forests as far as they eye could see. And then you hum--you came and built villages and towns. Do you know what it’s like having lumberjacks, I believe they’re called, constantly coming to your home with their chainsaws? They destroy the trees and use them to build more and more cabins or merchant stands? It’s goddamn infuriating! Ahem I apologize. [brief pause] I’m fine it’s nothing to concern your pretty little head about. It’s just, I feel like I have a raging beast inside of me. I mean, haven’t you felt that way before? Like there’s this burning urge inside you. You’ve never felt it? [brief pause] Hmph, I guess the only way for me to show you is for me to somehow put what I have inside of you. I need to show you what the beast can do to people. [pause] Well I guess I’ll just have to show you. *grunts and growls and slowly pitch shift with gore sounds* What’s wrong, little red hood? Are you scared of the beast that stands before you? [pause] Hahaha, oh you sweet lovely angel. I am not a monster, I’m a fucking Lycan. A werewolf! But you can just call me the big, bad wolf. And I absolutely loathe your human lumberjacks! And trust me, none of them are going to be here to save you once the beast takes over myself and you as well. Everything about me is bigger now. *evil laughter* [heavy breathing for pause] Ohhh I would never dream of slaughtering you. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t harm you. What big eyes do I have? The better to admire and appreciate the beauty of my snack. What big hands I have, the better to wrap my hand around your throat with. And what big teeth I have, well the better to taste every last bit of you. *growls*

Well, if you don’t know what it feels like to have the beast inside of you, I guess I just have to put it there. Don’t worry, this will only hurt a lot. *growl and werewolf feeding/biting* Mmmm the wolf is being pleased. Do you feel the beast taking over you? Don’t worry, soon, your body is going to change and twist and contort. Your eyes will change and then your fangs will grow. Hahah, and don’t worry, you won’t have to taste my blood unlike those bloodsuckers. But, I will show you how to handle the beast within you. Good good. Now for the last part, the finale of putting the beast inside you. It is a rather lengthy process. Hahahah but one I am sure we can both enjoy. Hahaha. Hmmm make sure after the last part of your transformation is complete you give your grandmother a very special, hello, from me. After all, she’s the reason I became this big bad beast. Hmmm I feel after this, she will never, truly, be able to outrun the beasts that slowly grow within us. Hmmm hahah...growing inside...us. *growls* Now, my beautiful, little, red hooded beauty,let us finish what I started. *chuckles* *whispers*  Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf now?



That's amazing!