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You're at home during a rainstorm when out of nowhere, your roommate comes home. He's drunk and clearly dealing with something that's destroyed him. He just got dumped by his girlfriend. Maybe tonight, you can help him in a special way?




Akira Ghost Fox

i'm so so sorry in advance but.. this was waaay funnier then i was expecting it to be. I saw part of roomie being drunk when got home and i knew that it had be some what funny cuz some reason... drunk talking peoples tend be funny to hear on some stuff say but this one was just great one in all to me. Mostly at part of 'can you go as deep as my voice' whole part of it and then the part about the neighbor... i was loosing it so hard laughing. it was amazing <3 though then i sat here at end like ' Wonder if gonna remember any this shite next day with how frekin wasted ya are my guy ' lol Sorry too that i am an odd ball persons.

Ravyn Still

*Hears him drop into snoring at the end* Nurse Me: Turn him on his side so he doesn't aspirate, geeze. but dude, this was awesome. I am like, tearing through all of your audios (they're great to listen to while I cross-stitch).