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Hey guys! I am not going to be posting today. I had to put down a pet of mine and I’m not in the right headspace. I’ll be back tomorrow with everything promised. Everything is just being moved up a day. I’m so sorry guys.


Helena Williams

Holy shit don’t be sorry, that’s a massive emotional thing, please take all the time you need


Take care, take all the time you need.


Please take care! Take as much time as you need! You should know that we - your followers - are with you and support you!


I'm so sorry, that's awful. Take care of yourself, we'll be here <3


I've been there before. I'm so sorry, Lofn. Take all the time you need.


Nothing to apologize for at all!! Sending positive energy and hugs. Please please let us know if there is anything we can do! 🫂💜


No problem take as much time away as needed 💜


Sending positive vibes your way 💕 💜 ♥️


I'm so sorry to hear that, losing a part of the family like that is heartbreaking. Focus on takinv care of yourself, your followers will understand.


I'm sorry, I know what it's like. Take all the time you need


I'm so sorry to hear that, my family recently had to put down our dog we raised from birth and It was devastating to all of us, I'm sure they had a wonderful life with you and that they are in a better place now, we understand

Chloe Greensmith

I know exactly how that feels, when my Nitro passed away I was practically dead to the world for several days. You have nothing to be sorry for, this is family we’re talking about


Take your time. please take care of yourself. Sending love to you 🌻💛🫂

Apple Rancher

I’m am so sorry for you loss, take as much time as you possibly need to grieve

David Perez

Take as much time as you need. I am so sorry for your loss.


Take your time! Loosing a pet is a horrible feeling that's hard to move on from. Take all the time you need, we'll be here when you're feeling right

Angel Duran

Sorry for your loss, I lost my dog, so I understand your pain. Take all the time you need.


*beeg hugs* nu worry about it, just take care of you 💜


I’m sorry take all the time you need

Eight Cup Buck

That’s so hard, and I’m so sorry. Take your time!


I am so sorry for your lost take as much time as you need


So much sympathy. Take good care of yourself, get something nice for dinner and drink plenty of water.


So sry for your loss hope you feel better soon


As someone who had to put a pet myself a few weeks ago. I understand. Take as much time as you need.


Sorry for your loss, take all the time you need.


So sorry to hear that you're going through that. Take care of yourself


You don't have to apologise and you should take as much time as you need. None of us are going anywhere so if you need to take longer before putting out content, I am sure we all understand. Take care of yourself and practise what self care you can.


I'm so sorry. Take all the time you need, that's a big loss to go through.

Jackson's projects

Your the hardest work ASMR creator I've ever supported. Take all the time you need. Start back when you're ready.


I’m so sorry. Take all the time you need we’re here to support you

Pyff Puffles (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-11-26 10:36:30 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need
2024-10-20 14:07:02 I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need

I’m sorry for your loss, please take care of yourself first! We will be here when you come back so take all the time you need

Sean Mullin

Losing a pet is never easy take your time


Please don’t worry take all the time you need