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Hi everyone! I was trying to be sneaky about it yesterday but I woke up without a voice today. So I'm not going to force anything and just take some meds. You can blame my partner for this, not me. He's been fighting an illness for 2+ weeks. I'll drink a ton of warm stuff today so I'll hopefully be back tomorrow. In the meantime, would you guys like a spotlight type of thing to hold you over? I know there's a lot of new people and I was wondering if you guys would like me to repost some older audios that didn't get a lot of attention/that I think you guys would like but they are over 2 years old and you won't be able to find them easily/audios that were taken down for one reason or another. Let me know if y'all have a preference! I'm going to go lay down and cough my head off xX Lofn



Praying for healing.

Kay blade (edited)

Comment edits

2025-01-28 23:43:36 I would love to hear older work but more then anything get some rest and take care of yourself!
2025-01-28 16:34:56 I would love to hear older work but more then anything get some rest and take care of yourself!

I would love to hear older work but more then anything get some rest and take care of yourself!


Take it easy plz prioritise yourself here ^^ you work so hard for us already


Don't rush yourself. Let your body heal, and go rest with our full support.


Get well and take your time! Also, I very like "The Hunt" audioplay from you, and that would be a perfect candidate for the best "mute" audio :)


hope you feel better. if you really want to post an older audio, just post one you like.


Hope you feel better, your health takes priority.

Apple Rancher

Take it easy for as long as you need, the repost idea sounds cool!


Take as long as you need we have plenty of wonderul audios to occupy ourselves with


Please take your time and rest, we'll be here whenever you are all better. <3

Ryan Zimmerman

get your rest and get better. Your audios won't sound nearly as good if your throat is more horse than the one with hooves.


Get your rest and relax since your health is more important.


Take the time you need to rest and recover; your health is important. We're here to support you.


I wouldn't worry about posting audios right now, just relax and take as much time as you need to feel better.


Get well soon

Anna Banana

Hope you feel better soon


Get well soon! We'll wait here like the good girls and boys we are 🥰☺️


Get well soon!


get well soon 💖

Leah Kitty

Rest up for as long as you need! I'm sure all of us understand.


A nice warm cup of tea always helps. I would love some reuploads of old stuff with the descriptions updated. I've noticed a lot of older audios don't have pet names, parts, and pronouns listed like the new ones, which would be nice to have. Hope you get well soon!

Claire Hapry

😄😉 you have done amazing, so take the time you need. And remember you are more important than your asmr quota.