Poll Winnner: Cautionary Tale (Patreon)
~ This is a pre-planned consensual scene with darker/harsher elements, be advised ~
Storyline: It's no secret to you or your girlfriend that you have a werewolf kink. You liked to be chased and made to feel like prey. Your girlfriend is a little hesitant to indulge in these darker ideas of yours but with enough convincing and pre-planning, you have it set up. Tonight is the night. You are finally going to be chased like real prey...
Included: monster girl, werewolf, in public (the woods), predator v prey, being chased, being tackled, body betrayal, teasing with you, toying with you, humiliation, degradation, slut shaming, harsh femdom, objectification, mutual orgasms, sex (the kind had is not specified/no genitals mentioned), kissing, after the scene ends she is back to being gentle, check-in, making sure you are okay, aftercare, compliments, praise, affirmations, and cuddling
~ Inclusivity Stuff ~
Pet Names: prey, pet, slut, and whore
Body Parts Mentioned: legs, skin, and back
I wish I had something fun and cool to say here but I don't. Honestly I'm just sick with nerves for the next two days. I hope everyone is having a better day than me! xX Lofn