[F4A] Kraken Cuddles: Early Access (Patreon)
Storyline: You tried to kill the kraken. Genuinely you tried. But she offered to talk first and next thing you knew, you were happily in a relationship. The best part of it? It's not the sex. I mean, obviously the sex is great. She has so many tentacles that can go so many places. But it turns out she is really sweet and sentimental. And when you are having a bad day or just wanting some attention, she turns into the biggest cornball. Who knew that the kraken was so cheesey?
Included: cuddling, in public (lagoon), monster girl, kraken, tentacles, forehead kisses, breaking your walls down, l-bombs, proud of you narrator, SFW, soulmates, love confession, declarations of love, she’s a little possessive of you tbh, and falling asleep together
~ Inclusivity Stuff ~
Pet Names: Darling, pet, and my world
Body Parts Mentioned: Back, smile, lips, body, eyes, and face
This is going public tomorrow and is the public's birthday audio treat. You guys get special exclusives that I'm really excited about. The theme is "Lofn's Fantasy's" if that gives you an idea of what is coming up. But since tomorrow is going to be a busy day, I figured it would be fun to do a SFW audio. I never meant to make "[insert something] cuddles" into a series but considering I have everything from "Yandere Cuddles" to "Minotaur Cuddles" I guess it's technically one! Maybe a pseudo-one? I don't know. But let me know if you like this kraken and if I should give her a name and maybe breed you full of eggs with her xX Lofn