Season 2A (Final) (Patreon)
Farewell to Golden Peacock: Magenta says goodbye to Golden without her noticing.
Farewell to Silver Peacock: Magenta says goodbye to Silver without her noticing.
Pearl Help: Pearl tries to help Magenta cheer up.
Farewell to Pearl: Magenta says goodbye to Pearl without her noticing.
First Time: Pearl and Magenta fuse. + Bi-Color Stories (The Demoted): Bi-Color tells her demote story.
Farewell to Pebbles: Magenta says goodbye to Pebbles without them noticing.
Success: Magenta keeps her promise.
Far Away: Magenta comes out of prison.
The Great Plan: Magenta creates a new plan.
Diamond Speech: Magenta makes a speech.
The End of an Origin: 🫢 💧