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I may or may not have done something slightly different than my initial idea. If ya'll really wanted some ass let me know and I'll prioritize a butt shot in the near future P: lol



King Green

Oh that's just lovely~ Can't say no to a hypothetical butt shot, tho~

Stepford (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-31 21:29:31 They're so hungry!~ <3
2021-04-07 08:28:17 They're so hungry!~ <3

They're so hungry!~ <3


Butts would be great, also just wondering will there be more lips on dongs just can’t get them off the mind


I can definitely do more of that. Kitty just doesn't have a dick by default and I lip her up the most, but I'll try to keep it in mind. There's just a lack of big pussy pics out there so I've leaned towards creating more at times haha. But yeah I'll see about more lip dicks, too. :3