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I made a lot of sketches during this last weekend, at Umbriacon. Mornings were almost desert and then I had time to draw on my books quietly and without any rush.; Surprisingly evenings were crowded of people so I had a lot of request and made few photos. These are four sketches I made on four Drizzit books. Maybe you already saw them in my socials. I wanted to post them here on Patreon too.

English translations:
1. "What do you mean with "poorly spiced"? it's sausages and potatoes!" "Sausages are a kind of spice for us dwarves"
2. "I've said it many times already: stop bleating before our children start to do it!" "beh... but..." "AGAIN? I said to stop doing that!"
3. "Give me one good reason not to disintegrate him." "It's compostable, maybe."
4. "You should buy a piece of soap too... you know... for the next time we stop to wash ourselves and our clothes..." "yeah, sure... please, give me another grappling hook" "here it is!"

Ho realizzato un sacco di sketch durante quest'ultimo weekend, a Umbriacon. Durante le mattinate la fiera era perlopiù deserta, e questo mi ha permesso di disegnare con calma e senza fretta; inaspettatamente, le sere sono state pienissime di gente, quindi sfornavo dediche a manetta e ne ho fotografate pochissime. Ma ecco quattro delle dediche che ho lasciato su altrettanti volumi di Drizzit... che comunque potreste aver già visto sui miei social man che volevo postare anche qua.




La battuta su quella di Baba Yaga non l'ho capita XD


Non si disintegra quello che puoi riciclare. Rispetta il pianeta!