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Google Drive's been acting up lately, so just in case...

(Edit 1) Fixed Kuki's facesit anims not triggering.


292.43 MB file on MEGA


Jacques Blatherwick

Hey love the update, dont suppose this will also come to mobile?


Thanks! Currently working on the mobile version, I might have it ready by today or tomorrow if everything goes well.


Hi, I really enjoyed this "DLC" with Mona. In my opinion the voice actress did a wonderful job with a really seductive voice and the voice lines were really good as well. However, there´s some issues that I want to mention just so they maybe get fixed in the next "DLC". First, Mona´s model it´s kind of weird, because you have the hair which clips through her body specially during the facesitting and its kinda annoying in the POV, also I noticed what you wanted to do with the thigh highs by adding the "squeeshy" effect but if you remove the thigh highs it leaves a gap in her legs and makes it look weird, also her cape striaght up phases through her buttcheeks, also her hat phasing through your opponent´s legs. Moreover, her hands not gripping correctly through with the male opponent. Also the staircase has a weird texture bug, and the shadows around the room got messed. NEVERTHELESS, this wont make me hate you or cancel my Patreon, because I know you and ftbky9 are a pretty good and talented developers that have given us an awesome game that I have never seen before (at least with this good quality, decision and customisations). I just wanted to give my honest review and I know the issues I presented are just some small details that really don´t affect the experience THAT much. I really want to thank both of you to keeping this up! See ya´in the next one ;)