Erotic Fiction Edition Nine - "Silkbound Slave" (Patreon)
Silkbound Slave
An alternative chapter from the classic book Miss High Heels which involves female domination, severe bondage with rope, silk scarves, bed linen and other laundry items of torment, and a hint of crossdressing.
This tale of cross dressing and bondage was inspired by the book Miss High heels, in which a young boy, Evelyn Beryl, so infuriates his governess with his behavior that she conspires with his aunt and ward and resolves to turn him into a woman. Kidnapped by the pair, he undergoes a period of enforced feminization and bondage before being sent away to a girls school where he is conditioned both mentally and physically to think of himself as a girl. Now a grown young woman called Denise, he returns to his governess Miss Priscilla at the end of his schooling, where she resolves to further her control over him by keeping her as a young lady under her strict discipline.........
On a visit to the village, Miss Priscilla takes Denise to see Miss Pettigrew who runs the local laundry. She has a reputation as a strict disciplinarian and remembers Denise as an uncontrollable young boy. The original book continues.....
"We delivered Helen's messages at the various cottages and at each one got further proof of how much I, Evelyn Beryl, was detested and feared.
There was one cottage especially where the news was welcomed. A little old woman called Mrs. Pettigrew and her big buxom daughter Lucy kept a laundry employing six girls of the village, where all the house linen of the manor, including the ladies' underclothing and finest silks and satins were washed and laundered.
Sometime ago, just before I went abroad, owing to a statement of mine that Lucy had been insolent to me, I had persuaded my father to take away our washing from the laundry. Mrs. Pettigrew was nearly ruined in consequence and would have been altogether, had not Helen given it back to her.
She flung open a door suddenly and showed us a horrible little dark room at the back of the parlour. "But that's where I would like to keep him in his girl's clothes," she exclaimed passionately. "All his life I would like to keep him there fastened in a chair and feed him on bread and water. We could do it too. Tell Miss Deverell, please Missy! Me and Lucy and my laundry girls, we could keep him safe and quiet in there. I was terrified. Her face was so threatening, her voice so passionate. She looked like a terrible old witch..........."
The story now continues along a slightly different tack.........Miss Priscilla has decided that Miss Pettigrew's brand of discipline will do Denise a power of good. She has resolved to leave her to the mercy of the laundry girls for several weeks to improve her manners and demeanor
Chapter 1
"Well Miss Pettigrew, I had rather hoped you might feel that way. Having seen your dark closet and heard your ideas on discipline, I'm minded to ask for your assistance with Denise here. You may not recognize her but she is the very same Evelyn who almost ruined you all those years ago. Your distress at the time was too much for me and I decided that Evelyn should remain as a lady if he could not be trusted to behave correctly as a gentleman. Since then he has been schooled as a young lady and dressed accordingly in the finest silks and satin clothes. His body is now quite ladylike, although tight corsets are of course always required to prevent a relapse. Unfortunately, despite the very finest schooling, I find her to be as recalcitrant as ever young Evelyn was. She has a most unladylike foul mouth, much given to swearing and general blaspheming. She has also told me that she will run away from my aunt and I at the first opportunity. Naturally we have tried some severe remedial treatment to encourage more ladylike behavior, and she is closely supervised during the day and tightly bound at night to prevent her doing herself any mischief. Nevertheless, I am at my wits end."
"How very unfortunate for you Miss Pricilla", said Miss Pettigrew, eying up Denise who stood close to Miss Priscilla, dressed in a very heavy, woolen cape, the hood of which was drawn well forward, almost hiding her face in the shadow. She had not moved or said a word, other than a low muffled groan, since her governess had brought her in to the laundry. She had certainly been taking dainty ladylike steps and was politely quiet as her governess was discussing her future.
"She seems to be thoroughly ungrateful for the fine schooling and pretty clothes you dress her in. I have no doubt that me and my girls could soon make her behave more like a lady."
"Miss Pettigrew, that's splendid. I asked my valet to prepare Denise early this morning for an extended stay with you, and to pack a number of items you may find useful in helping her to mend her ways. Unfortunately, she bit poor Alfred while he was dressing her and he is very glad to be seeing the back of her for a while. I will pop in every few days to see her progress but for now, I shall leave you to it. Goodbye Miss Pettigrew, goodbye Lucy, see you soon."
The buxom Lucy and her girls had stopped work during this conversation and were gathering behind Miss Pettigrew as it became apparent that they might have a slave to help them with the laundry for the next few weeks. Although none of the girls other than Lucy had been in the laundry when Evelyn had almost ruined Miss Pettigrew, they all knew the story of Evelyn's spitefulness inside out and looked forward to the opportunity to pay back the tormentor of their much loved employer.
As Miss Priscilla closed the door of the laundry behind her, Miss Pettigrew turned to Lucy. "Lets see what we have here then! Lucy take off Miss High and Mighty's cloak for her. She doesn't seem to want to do it for herself".
As Lucy moved forward and lifted the heavy cloak away from their new and unwilling house guest, the reason for Denise's demure silence became instantly apparent. She was bound so severely that Lucy wondered out loud how she had ever managed to walk into the laundry on her own. Denise stood erect and silent because that is all she could do. Her head was completely swathed in a large white silk scarf that had been wrapped several times around her head before being tied off tightly in a pretty bow at the back of her neck. The scarf matched the color of the heavy corset that encompassed Denise's torso and the pretty suspender belt and white silk stockings that encased Denise's shapely legs. .
An extension of the corset extended over Denise's groin and disappeared between her legs where it had very clearly been secured tightly to the back of the corset. A pair of delicate white silk panties and a pair of beautiful black high heeled shoes with bright shiny buckles completed Denise's ensemble. The scarf shrouding her head was tied at the back through an elongated hole at the top of a wooden pole. This extended from behind her neck, down her back to her knees. The pole provided a rigid support to which Denise had been bound at numerous places with both rope and scarves to ensure she could not bend her body in any way at all.
A tall leather collar, buckled to the pole with three wide leather straps, held her silk swathed head high in a very ladylike posture. Denise's arms had been very thoroughly bound with rope at wrists, elbows and shoulders, welding them tightly together so that her elbows touched. Her arms had then been further bound to the pole, using holes through the pole, which allowed her arms to be cinched tightly to the wooden support. The reason for her dainty steps also became apparent - gaily coloured silk scarves had been tied around each of her legs at knees and ankles and a connecting scarf had been applied between them to create a 2" to 3" hobble. To make matters worse for the poor girl, the bottom end of the wooden pole ended behind her knees, where a rope threaded through the bottom hole, had been cinched tightly to the individual scarf bindings below her knee. The overall effect was to create a rigidly bound package in which the young lady had not the remotest possibility of being able to bend from the vertical.
"My goodness gracious me girls", said Miss Pettigrew, "she must really have hurt that valet this morning. What an excellent job he has made of immobilizing the conceited little trollop! Lucy, go and untie that pretty white scarf and lets see her face after all these years".
All the laundry girls crowded around the silent Denise, as Lucy moved to loosen the cruelly tied silk muffler.
"Golly Mama, no wonder she hasn't moved her head, look!"
As the folds of the heavy silk scarf fell away and dropped to hang at Denise's neck, the girls' eyes opened wide in astonishment. Underneath the muffling scarf Denise was even more securely blindfolded and gagged with additional silk scarves, all made of the finest silk and all pure white to match her outfit. The effect was staggering. A folded scarf had been placed over each eye and a longer scarf had been bound over the padding several times before being tied off tightly at the back of her neck. The lower half of her face was obscured by a multi-layered gag of shining white silk, that concealed a bulging and clearly fully packed mouth. Miss Pettigrew had no doubt that her mouth also held several of the large shimmering white silk scarves. As Lucy started to untie the scarf securing the blindfold in place, the reason for Denise's lack of complaint became obvious. Her ears were packed with huge plugs of white wax, which had been held in place by the tight binding of the blindfold. Denise could not have heard a single word that had been said in the laundry and, as she had been prepared by Miss Deverell's valet, she probably did not even know where she was.
"Oh my", said Miss Pettigrew, "this is really going to be a lot of fun."
As she spoke, Lucy undid the final folds of the blindfold and allowed the folded scarves to fall away revealing a pair of eyes blinking in the sudden light. As Denise grew accustomed to the light, the look in her eyes turned from bemusement to one of fury and her green eyes blazed over the white silk at the assembled girls. For the first time they heard Denise make a noise. It was only a small noise, more a guttural groan from deep in her throat, but evidence of the fact that the valet knew well how to gag a difficult young lady.
"Ok Lucy, lets see what Miss Denise has to say for herself. Take off the gag and unplug her ears but leave her collared and tied to her pole for the present".
Lucy picked out the wax from Denise's ears and then started to work on the knots that the valet had tied in Denise's gagging scarves. He had obviously been very angry when he tied Denise and had cinched her bindings with a tightness that must have been very painful for the poor victim. It was several minutes before Lucy was able to release the knots. Her gag in fact comprised two tightly tied wide muffling scarves, one of which had been tied over her nose and beneath her chin so that she would not waste valuable breath in trying to free herself.
Beneath those was a thicker rolled scarf which was drawn and tied cruelly back between her teeth, cutting into the sides of her distended mouth. It held firmly in place what seemed to be at least two more silk scarves packing her mouth so that it gaped wide. As the cleave scarf fell away, Miss Pettigrew stepped closer to Denise, thus placing herself in the direct firing line of a sodden, wadded ball of silk which Denise ejected forcibly from her mouth, hitting Miss Pettigrew right in the face and leaving Denise's spittle covering Miss Pettigrew's nose and mouth as the wadding fell to the floor. There was a moments silenced disbelief from the girls, unable to comprehend what embarrassment and loss of face Denise had just caused to their dear employer.
"You filthy, ugly old harridan. How dare you keep me like this. Untie me this instant and stop your foul washermaids gaping at me like that. I will tell my aunt about this and she'll close you down and have you thrown in gaol". At which point Denise started to scream at the top of her voice.
Lucy quickly picked up one of the larger white scarves from the floor and proceeded to stuff it deep into Denise's mouth, cutting off the scream and reducing it to an angry grumble. Because Denise was still attached rigidly to the pole she was powerless to stop Lucy taking the thickly rolled scarf and pulling it tightly between her lips, forcing the wadded silk deeper into her mouth and completing the makeshift gag.
Miss Pettigrew wiped her face on her apron and moved right up to Denise's face.
"You really shouldn't have done that young lady. You will regret it for a very long time to come. As for your aunt, it was she who delivered you here this afternoon and after that little outburst I don't think she will be too keen to take you back. I, on the other hand, remember how you tried to close me down many years ago. Me and my girls are going to enjoy tormenting you Denise. We know just how to handle spoilt brats like you and believe me when I say that you will not enjoy it one bit.