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I'm super happy with the way these all came out, I figured some things out re: lighting that have made a huge difference. Let me know what you think!

Featured: Iiris' Pureblood Sith Asivu's encounter in the sewers of Dromund Kaas takes a turn...

Also in this set: 

Mass Effect's legendary Commander Shepard soaks it in

Rainbow 6's Ela shows her flexibility

A follow up on Viola making friends at the beach

Nexisfusion's Halo Spartan Athena putting on a gun show to a stunned audience

Ald's lovable lime Esti shows Vi that girls aren't so bad

Captain Blonde's Trill OC Lorena takes some R&R on Risa

Donut's OC Amethyst teases the tip

Rydissac's Twi'lek OC Wren does some savvy bartering

and Leo's RDR2O Sheriff Mason giving a good girl some scritches!

Thank you to all my Deputy Commissioners for their selections this month! <3



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