Monthly Render Tier Pack #9 - July 2023 (7 Pictures) (Patreon)
The SECOND of THREE 7-picture packs featuring Pureblood Sith, Chiss, Mirialans both green and purple, and a few humans for good measure. Get all 3 by subbing to the $5 tier.
(That was for the embed thumbnail caption.)
Shoutout to my Deputy Commissioners for these. Speaking of which, there will be changes coming to my commission prices and the reward structure for the $25 tier. This is a copy/paste of what I announced on Discord in case you missed it.
I will be taking on commissions again later in September before October 1st.
This is the important bit: That will be the last chance to get commissions at their current rate before everything gets thoroughly overhauled. After October 1st prices will fall back in line with what they were for my 2D artwork. I don't have the specifics yet but you can expect them to be ~$100 USD per render, up from the $50 per render they are currently at.
There will also be substantial changes coming to the Deputy Commissioner rewards starting October 1st. The price will stay the same @ $25/month, however instead of receiving 1 render every month for $25, you will receive 1 render per 3 consecutive months of supporting that tier, meaning you still get 1 render quarterly every 3 months for a total of ~$75 USD, which is still a discount from what the prices will be.
This part is just spitballing to see how people feel, but I may consider reintroducing a new "Monthly render" tier at ~$75 USD/month that will work the same way as the current tier where you get a render every month. Depending on how things go, perhaps for January 2024, but I want to use this rebalance as an opportunity to catch up on the queue once and for all, and since my renders have gotten better, to return to a "Quality not Quantity" way of doing things.
(Proper) feedback is always welcome. I hope everyone understands why these changes are necessary, and that I'm trying to make this more of a price rebalance rather than a price increase. The vast majority of commissions are in the $200usd range anyways, so rather than looking at this as paying more per render, think of it as paying the same for a higher quality product. Feel free to DM me if you have questions.