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A few months ago I changed up the $25 tier and this month was the first month that everyone got their rewards! It started with one person asking for a pool picture, then another, and before long, it was a party and we were able to get every DepCom's OC in, as well as Vi for a bit of silly fun.

I'm working on a big side-project (big for me, anyways) through the end of the year. If you're in the Patron channel on Discord, you know ;D I hope to post that in early January if everything goes to plan.

Happy Holidays, everyone! <3


Esti (Ald) has a buoyant booty
Jessica (Water) climbs out while Vi and Esti chat in the background.
Esti (Ald) has a buoyant booty
Asivu (IirisDreadtide) leans on Viola while Jess moves through the background
SPARTAN Athena (Nexisfusion) is showing off the guns for the girls. Viola asks Jessica what she feeds those things.
Sisters Myra and Kiritsa (Kiritsa) join in, though somewhat begrudgingly. Viola asks Athena if she can lift her over her head.
Amethyst (Donut) watches as Athena lifts Viola over her head. Viola declares that she is being kidnapped by a Sasquatch. Asivu runs to help.
T'Pren (CallMeIshmael) makes her debut and saves the day. The girls consider calling an ambulance for Viola.


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