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I'm sorry, guys. I need to pause my Patreon for this month due to delays on my projects.

Note: Existing patrons this month will not get a charge on June 1st 2020. Patron perks & rewards will carry on from this month (May) to June 2020. No need to unpledge :)

No worries, I'm completely fine & healthy. I really, really just need to take a break for this month.

While on break I might update my models a bit, do some tweaks, etc. Also I'm slowly practicing 2D drawing cuz why not. Will make stuffs about it when it's time.

Anims in queue: NieR:A, MHW

Stay safe everyone



Take your time, we appreciate your GREAT animations!!


Be safe bud. *hug*

jk chen

Just take care! Love your animations!


Don't worry just rest and have a refresher. I'll be sticking here for a while :)


The fact that you went the extra mile by pausing the patreon billing to us, for you to rest is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Rest and relax.

Zephyr E. Levin

Don't you worry, chief... It's better to take breaks, over cramming. 👍


Thanks for the heads up. Take care!👍🏾


once again thank you and good continuation. always take care of yourself and your health (・ω<)

Ludwig Bonte

Thanks for the update and for your awesome work. Take care and see you around! 😁


Take care, buddy!


Nooooooooooooooooooooo !!!! I'm kidding (not completely 😁) . Take care.


Not a problem! Take care!

Sunghei Leung

Take your time! Rest well, and stay safe!


It's all right man, god like quality such as yours cannot be rushed. Stay safe and take care!


These breaks are always welcome Exga, be well.