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Yesterday's post will go up sometime tomorrow, and I will have a post out on Friday for QT: Phil's Tale even if it kills me. I lost some time getting the next chapter of QT:UM to its commissioner, and we'll see what people think of that when they see it in the next couple of months.

The thing that's dropping tomorrow is something new and different and unlike anything else I've written here, so I'll be excited to see what people think of it. I'm about three pages into it right now, having just started in on it a few hours ago, and the new guy's narrative voice sprung from me very naturally.

It's cyberpunk.

It's been a weird week here in the Bay. A homeless guy threw a bottle of piss into my car late Saturday night as I was getting into it because I drive a Tesla Model 3, and apparently everyone who does so has to be an asshole. Or, more likely, the guy was mentally unstable. Either way, I'm still trying to get the smell of urine out of my car, which is always fun.

I was glad to see the folks on the public sites dug seeing Greerson from BreakTheBar's Quaranteam: North West appear, and within a few more months, they'll see the protagonist of 32inch's Ruins United appearing in the main QTB2. It's a little harder for me to do the crossovers in the main book, simply because it involves authors having to job way ahead in their timeline, usually, or at least guaranteeing that they aren't going to kill that character off before whatever date they appear in my stuff. I'm always keeping in mind what I can in terms of opportunities to do crossovers, even if they're just relatively small cameos, and I may have some spaces where I can do that coming up. I'll talk to those authors and keep it in mind.

Here's what I'm sending to public sites in the near future:   8/10 - Threadbinders 9 (on LE); 8/17 - Threadbinders 9 (on MCS), Neon Stonehenge 5; 8/24 - QT2:20; 8/31 - QTAA9, Quaranteam: Unbroken Mold 1, 9/7 - Before The Storm 10, QTB2:i4. Simon over at MCS had a family emergency, and rather than add to his woes for more stuff to have this week, I'm just pushing Threadbinders 9 another week before I send it to him, so I'm not adding to the pile on problem.

Anyway, back soon to introduce you all to Artie!



Actually super excited to see the cyberpunk story. Am obsessed with the game so im super pumped to see it

Dennis McNulty

If you haven't already, you might try some of the more high end pet cleaning sprays sold at PetsMart and the like...

Admiral Ale

This past month has alerted me to more and more of life's hiccups that throws a monkey wrench into our plans. Good news, a 2nd growth was not the BIG C. Loss of a cousin, a friend and 2 who are just hanging on in one week is starting to make me believe that there are a tree full throwing them wrenches at me. Besides Stay safe, stay well.