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Life sucks. I'm trapped quarantining in a hotel room in Europe, and can't go anywhere for at least a week, as I've tested positive for COVID and feel utterly like shit. I've spent most of the last two days basically sleeping and I still feel fucking awful. 

I'm going to try and get caught up on things soon, but as it stands right now, I can't even focus for more than a minute or two on anything. Shit, in trying to write this weekly update, I've spaced out twice already. 

Yes, I'm vaccinated and boosted, but this still fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. I feel a little better now, compared to where I was 24 hours ago, but holy fuck,

...and I just fell asleep for two hours midsentence with my laptop on my lap, in this not very comfy hotel chair. Yeah, fuck this. Back to bed. I'll be back as soon as I don't feel like liquid ass and I appreciate folks being understanding about it.


Ian B

Dang, the pure emotion in that post. At that time I was recovering from picking up the vid in Orlando on vacation


Take it easy, hope you feel better soon


Take care of yourself. COVID is no fucking joke. I hope you feel better soon and have no long term symptoms.


Feel better. When you are feeling better, make sure to take it very easy. Allow yourself a LONG time to recover to avoid further complications.

Hugh Peeble

Ooof… take the best care of yourself as you can while out on travel. That is the worst. Echoing the hopes from prior posts, hoping for a quick recovery with no long haul bs for you.

SP Rupert

Take care of yourself CP. We all wish we could help you.


I just got over it. Hope you feel better fast. See if you can get Paxlovid.


Sending healing spirit your way, CP.


That is murphy at their best, get well soon CP

Michael Gilbert

After feeling like death warmed over Monday and Tuesday (which I had off) I was getting ready for work Wednesday when I passed out in the shower. I finally broke down and tested, sure enough, the vid. So while not in Europe quarantining, I do feel your pain!

Cynthia Parker

Try severe cold and flu medicine it worked both times I had COVID. You still won't feel great but you will feel a lot better.

Paul Bell

I hope you're feeling better and will soon be able to continue your trip