Weekly Update - 8/24/22 (Patreon)
Life sucks. I'm trapped quarantining in a hotel room in Europe, and can't go anywhere for at least a week, as I've tested positive for COVID and feel utterly like shit. I've spent most of the last two days basically sleeping and I still feel fucking awful.
I'm going to try and get caught up on things soon, but as it stands right now, I can't even focus for more than a minute or two on anything. Shit, in trying to write this weekly update, I've spaced out twice already.
Yes, I'm vaccinated and boosted, but this still fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. I feel a little better now, compared to where I was 24 hours ago, but holy fuck,
...and I just fell asleep for two hours midsentence with my laptop on my lap, in this not very comfy hotel chair. Yeah, fuck this. Back to bed. I'll be back as soon as I don't feel like liquid ass and I appreciate folks being understanding about it.