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Can't happen too soon.




sherwin c. olaes

it is high time that like-minded democratic countries in the world to finally unite together and decouple trading with the r e. d in business dealings...we can live without the dragon.....we may start from the scratch but we will get there in a year or two...but we have to fight the monster of frankenstein we have created ,,,bec. of our insatiable appetite for a good life....but this ma fia govt. is not your friend. if you think you're safe because its only the ph, viet na m and tai wan, you are wrong....the mafia wanted to control freedom of navigation in the south china sea...literally creating manmade islands equipped with war materiales...which is not theirs and to which the unclos ruled in favor of 200 nautical miles exclusive economic zones for respective countries...thanks to the internet ....the bull y will no longer win, the world becomes a global village what happens hear affects you and the bread or rice you eat....pls stand up for democracy, international rule of law, and free dom. all de mocratic countries in the world should stationed ships in the west philipine sea and the international waterways in the taiwan straits...for the sake of freedom of navigation...the r ed had made philipp ines under. their maritim e. occupation....dragon stop bul. lyi ing, get out of the phil p pine territ. ory.

Tony Chopkoski

3:45...Bill Clinton sounds like a hick...and I like him well enough...but he was off key here...