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Taking a cue from Mao? What could go wrong?!




Samy Fay

I was thinking about the condition for a said country to maintain it's population poor in order to proceed with a war. Just look at Russia. The vast population is well bellow poverty standard. It make it more appealing for people to go to war in order to make a possible significant amount of money in a short time. While it may look weird for us, for people of such countries (feel free to list them) it's a ratter good opportunity. As for China. This condition has been partially postponed for the last two decades. I say partially because while the CCP was boasting it's bullshit propaganda about getting most of it's population out of poverty, the reality checks were showing an entire different image. I'll assume you understand. My present point is. I suspect the CCP trying the voluntarily level the economy from the bottom to reset this society's living standards that is now too rich to consider a war contract to be an opportunity. Just like russia. So to me, there will be a war. Not yet. But only after the CCP as pushed most of it's population to the bottom of the barrel.

Joe King

Thats why the ccp tries so hard to create foreign enemies in the west, using propaganda and censorship to filter the outward world view of the population, I'd guess..


Chris, is there a new grain deal with the PRC and Russia?