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Movie Run Time: 2:13:18

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Iconic soundtrack that reminded me soooo much of my Grandad 🥹 well done on this one guys! Excellent poll winner ❤️🎶



Celeste McAllister

Same here,when I was wondering where grandpa is at,I listen for Johnny Cash,he's in the garage.

Jimmy Walker

You are on a mission from God.

Chicago Artist Jon

One of my wife’s cousins got to be a dancer in the scene at the music store. AND Steven Speilberg is the Back in 5 minutes guy at the Chicago Cook County assessors office.

Dean J

I was glad to see you noticed the billboard that said "See you Next Wednesday." That was a running joke in most of director John Landis' movies. He almost always had a fake movie called that. You saw An American Werewolf in London (1981), that was another John Landis film, and See you Next Wednesday was the name of the porn movie showing in the theater they went to near the end.

Bill W

I don't know any guys who would have complained about more music in the movie. I think you're wrong about that.

Carl Evans

Best reaction to the Blues Brothers movie that I've seen, and a lot of fun. Thank you, Dawn. 🌟 Saw this in Chicago when it came out. My friends were noting different locations as they came on the screen. Looked like they were trying to acknowledge every part of the city, and pay as many locals as possible.


The good news is, there is more of the Blues Brothers performing online. Do a search of Blues Brothers SNL. They got their start on Saturday Night Live, which had a bunch of great studio musicians in house to be their band.

Jimmy Walker

As for the bar. Just about every small town in the southern part of America has a bar like Bob's.

Roddy Hutchinson

The mall was closing, set.to be demolished, they got permission to cause damage. I think it set a record for wrecked cars in a movie too. The band was the original Saturday night Live band members.

Bill W

Only Bones, Blue Lou and Mr. Fabulous were SNL band members.

Dan Cornyn

Almost, if not every John Landis movie takes place in the Chicago area.

Dan Cornyn

Nevermind, I was thinking of John Hughes

Chicago Artist Jon

You got a Belushi under your belt. Time to graduate to Animal House.

Chicago Artist Jon

The scenes at the beginning were filmed at the old Illinois Joliet State Penitentiary before it was demolished. That was an actual prison and basically a hell hole if you got sent there.

Chicago Artist Jon

The gooey gear bridges are pretty much uniquely a Chicago thing. They are fixed-trunnion bascule bridges and they open them up to allow boat traffic to navigate the rivers. It’s pretty cool to watch. If you ever visit Chicago be sure and take an architectural tour.


Slight correction: Steve Cropper and Donald "Duck" Dunn were R&B legends: Booker T. & The MG's. Otis Redding, Sam & Dave etc etc. Steve Cropper wrote "Soul Man", he played the guitar solo on "Green Onions", the guy is all over the history of music. Matt "Guitar" Murphy is a blues guitarist. When you see Steve Cropper and Donald "Duck" Dunn in The Blues Brothes, for musicians and music freaks, that's the same as seeing John Lee Hooker or Cab Calloway up there on screen, or Spielberg making a cameo. Not as spectacular as James, Ray or Aretha, but still very cool!


Another Landis movie! She's got American Werewolf, Blues Brothers.....definitely Animal House!

David Patterson

My father worked nights and slept through the day, so he wasn't very active in our upbringing. When we did see him he was cold and distant. But he did some cool stuff once in a while. He let us stay up late whenever PBS aired 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' as well as letting us watch 'SNL'. I was 14 when this movie came out. It was rated 'R' (18yrs or older) and since it was 'SNL' related, my dad took me. We belly laughed through the whole thing (rare for my father). Right up until he died, every time this aired on TV, we would watch it together and laugh just as heartily. I was a great bonding moment.

D Scott Howard

The night I saw the Blues Brothers in the theater with a friend, on our way home, a drunk woman mistook my buddy's car for her cheating husband's car and thought I (with my long hair) was his girlfriend! She chased us in her car speeding through downtown and into the suburbs for about 20 minutes before slamming into the back of our car and rolling into the middle of a busy intersection. My only car chase ever. Perfect timing.