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Farm/Ranch movie poll 👩🏼‍🌾

  • The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 26
  • The Big Country (1958) 15
  • Hud (1963) 11
  • Mr. Majestyk (1974) 6
  • Funny Farm (1988) 25
  • City Slickers (1991) 93
  • Open Range (2003) 25
  • Rams (2015) 1
  • Nope (2022) 20
  • 2024-12-05
  • —2024-12-07
  • 222 votes
{'title': 'Farm/Ranch movie poll 👩🏼\u200d🌾', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Grapes of Wrath (1940)', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'The Big Country (1958)', 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Hud (1963)', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Mr. Majestyk (1974)', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Funny Farm (1988)', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'City Slickers (1991)', 'votes': 93}, {'text': 'Open Range (2003)', 'votes': 25}, {'text': 'Rams (2015)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Nope (2022)', 'votes': 20}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 7, 23, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 5, 20, 7, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 222}


Thank you all for your suggestions! Can't wait to watch the winner 😁

Also!! A massive massive thank you to the donations so far for the GoFundMe 🥰 I'm incredibly grateful! Blurb below for anyone that would like to help ❤️❤️❤️

⚠️Scrounge Warning⚠️👇🏼

You guys all know about my dream of having my own wee farm with lots of animals, crops, bees and maybe even babies? 😅
I've created a GoFundMe to help get there (hopefully) a bit quicker. If you've asked previously about how to donate then here is it! Just click the link below 🥰 every single penny will be greatly appreciated!
But!! Please don't ever feel like you have to give anything. Any and all support helps heaps more than you probably realise. Every like/comment on videos. Every share. Even the dislikes help 🤣
Love you all heaps and massive thank you for your continued support ❤️



Michael T

"The Grapes of a Wrath" is a must-see at some point for anyone who truly loves great movies.

Jeff Forbes

I was torn between city slickers and funny farm. With the recent reaction to caddyshack, I figured Billy Crystal might be a better choice than another Chevy Chase.


“The Grapes of Wrath” was directed by The Great John Ford!!! The man who directed John Wayne in so many classic films and helped make him a star. It also stars the legendary Henry Fonda! Who you’ve seen Dawn in “12 Angry Men” and “Once Upon A Time in the West” This beautiful film is an absolute MUST Dawn Marie!


City Slickers will win and I'm fine with that. It's a terrific movie. Grapes of Wrath, The Big Country and Hud are all must see classics. The funniest film is the very underrated Funny Farm. And Open Range is maybe my favorite western of the past 30 years.


All of these are great. If you want to invest some time; “Lonesome Dove” with Tommy Lee Jones, Robert Duvall, and Diane Lane was a TV miniseries based on the Pulitzer Prize book. It’s fantastic.

Ted Little

The trouble is that none of these films is actually about a farm.

Kc Mac

I totally agree, been my favorite movie since it came out in the 80s. Phenomenal movie!


I think comedies shouldn't be eligible for most polls since they can run in the comedy poll. Comedies are great but they usually hold no lessons.

Robert Inman

I can envision Dawn crushing on Jack Palance in City Slickers.

JL Green

Open Range is my choice because it takes a cliche and turns it into a reality.

Eric Janssen

City Slickers is funny, but it's not a "farm" movie, it's a Western cattle-drive movie. Cattle-drive cowboys didn't stay in one place, and hated farmers who did.

Don Wagner

Abstaining from this one.


Hud is fantastic. Paul Newman is the king of 60s Hollywood The Grapes of Wrath would also get my vote

Ethan Firl

Open Range is good but I feel you might be burned out on the standard western film. Grapes of Wrath is good too. The book is required reading in U.S. high schools. A serious story. City Slickers is fun.


Dawn said she’s already seen it many times, and loved it!


I know that TV series are not normal on your channel but you may want to take a look at "Green Acres" 1965 if you want to watch, maybe, the funniest show ever about a "Wee Farm". https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0058808/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_in_0_q_green%2520acres Another excellent "Wee Farm" show is "The Good Life" 1975, also known as "Good Neighbors" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075511/ I grew up on a farm in Iowa and then spent 35 years as a cattle buyer for the largest beef producer in the U.S.. There is nothing to compare to farm life.


Grapes of Wrath is a brilliant classic

John A

Grapes of Wrath, is the best movie on the list that is for sure


Already a farm owner here ireland so two jobs keep me busy


Peaky blinders eventually 🙏🙏it's brilliant

The Dog Walker

You want your YT followers to buy you a farm?

Chicago Artist Jon

I’m here for fun. Dawn is fun regardless of whatever ridiculous film she reviews. There are no rules. There is no contract or fine print. Attendance is voluntary. Bitterness is a choice. And 3 cheers for fluffy cows.

Craig Russell

OMG, City Slickers is NOT a farm/ranch movie!

Louis Marzullo

More like a small animal sanctuary, really. Would be like donating to your local pet shelter.



The Dog Walker

And once you buy them their farm who is going to pay the start up and ongoing expenses to support their "farm/refuge"? If they dont have the money to buy the farm the dont have the money to pay for anything else. This is a scam.


I know what you mean, on the other hand it's about as much a farm/ranch movie as many on this list -- same way Caddyshack was about funny old mannies -- it doesn't really meet the brief as I imagine Dawn was envisioning. This time though I think she will enjoy it. I didn't vote for it, but my choice Big Country was also about a fish out of water dropped on a ranch, sooo I can't complain.


For a movie that takes place on a big farm, try Gone with the Wind.

Alan Jones

You'll enjoy City Slickers, but the film you really want to fulfill your quest is Places in the Heart. It needs to come into play some time or other. (Also, The Big Country, you'll be glad you did.)


Lol... i did not vote seeing there was 1 movie worth watching ( open range) and your voters voted so i respect that! Next time try good movies to see what your fans really want !


Two movies you would love dawn are both true stories that take place during depression era the movie Seabiscuit and the movie Cinderella man, excellent films with great casts and real tearjerkers but v inspirational