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Oh it was good to see Harrison again 😁 Is 2049 worth the watch?


Reacting to BLADE RUNNER (1982) | Movie Reaction

Thank you for joining me as I react to Blade Runner for the first time. I hope you enjoy the video and my reaction! Watch full, un-edited reactions or get one week early access on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DawnMarieAnderson Links: https://linktr.ee/dawnmariex ✉️ PO BOX Details ✉️ PO Box 18708 PETERHEAD SCOTLAND AB42 9BD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A big shoutout and thanks to the following patrons: 1000thghost Adamantis alonso torres Bartleby Bill Bryant Bill W Brian Medendorp BVega Calico Jack CBonius Celeste McAllister Chaotic Quakka Chase Baur Chris Therrien Chris Therrien Dean J Dexter Elliot Nesterman Eric Bonham Eric Twice Erik Farstar Gary Mackley-Smith Greg Kipp Grinznmore Harry Henry Graham Hypnobob Ian McKinney Ido Gordin JDW2 Jeff Barnes John John Hessian John Lawton john ruddick Jon Exler Jon Freezin-Rain Justtired Lee Pitman Len Anaquod Liam Lisa Carey MertzRocks Mike Phillippie Phantom Philip Aschinger Ragnar Miersch resinmonkey . Rob Jones Robert Inman Robert White Roger C Griffith Roger Freeman Ron Scott Simon Steve Stewart Hooton Ted Little THK Uncle Phoenix Vidal (BillyG!) Gomez jr Wayne Kryka Al Alan Jones Aleksander Johnsen Allen Bond Allen Stull Amith anastasio Andrew Karr Anthony Donato arte AULDYIN Bandmaidfanatl Benjamin Gerrald bjardkr Bob Criswell Brandon Bunderson Brian Groboski Bubba Fett ButtercupsTrueLove Byron James Captain Caveman Ceryk Chicago Artist Jon Chris Adams Christian Christian Eubanks D Scott Howard Dan Cornyn Daniel Daniel Goldberg Darrell Palmer Dave Richards Dave Thomas David David Bennett David Patterson David Schwartz DavrosXV Dennis Shogren Donald Mellen DougJitsu Dryfesands DuHase Ed Bartlett Em McG Eric Dubs Erik Brown Erinesque Gary Davidson George Roybal Greg S. Guy Winter Harry S Herman Orff Hunter DeRensis Ian Forbes Ian House James B. Jason Hardman JD Onesi jeff hamilton Jeremy Vickers Jesse Garcia Jim randell JM63 Joe Lazarus Joe Swenson John John Deardurff John W Foster John Walters John Webb Jordan Love Jørgen Ansok Josh Joshua White Jul_Belton kajota Kate Zobel Keith Kuhl Kenneth Lynge Eilertsen Kenton Kruger Ketones 411now Kevin Konstantin Knopp Kyle Baker Logan Sandoval Marc Duncan Mark Crawford Matthew Dunham Michael Hartsell Michael Lynch MICHAEL STERKOWITZ Michaela Mike LL Mike McLaughlin MoulinNoir Mr. Writhms Nicky Grygier old_goat Patrick Reynolds Paul M Peta Gru Phil Wu Pig FlibJarb RadioactiveRonin Retro Maven Richard Richard Higgs Richard Stokes Rick DeBaan Rob Stanley Robert Sackrider RocktSurgeon Rogo6 Ronald rude alf mcglesga RX2904 Sd D Steve Doyle Stoic The Hat The__Accountant TheGuy thetestoftime Thomas Snyder Thomas Taylor Tim Boxall Tim Foppiano Tim Klug Travis Starnes Tyler Roth ujikonapiro vespid52 WhoCares William Zack Gallardo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Contents 0:00 Intro 1:41 Reaction 28:34 Review/Outro --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #bladerunner #firsttimewatching #moviereaction *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reacting to BLADE RUNNER (1982) | Movie Reaction



2049 is a very faithful imitation but not much more than that in my opinion. But I’m sure you’ll get a lot of people in the comments asking you to see it. So I’ll just say, there’s no rush. Get to it whenever.


I seem to be in the minority on this, but I prefer the original by a wide margin. The music, practical effects and backgrounds, and the simple yet deep story of the first affected me much more than the sequel. But I still think 2049 is worth watching so you can make your own decision.


There definitely would be easier ways of identifying replicants, but that's kind of unrelated to the theme of the film, which asks "What does it mean to be human?" Philip K. Dick, who wrote the novel this was based on, said empathy is the defining quality of humans. That's why the film focuses on the V.K. test as the way to find replicants. The film is really more like a fable or myth than a proper sci-fi story.

Robert Inman

Dawn, 2049 does tie to the original with a few twists. Watching it while the first is still fresh helps - I had to rewatch the original to help make sense of some of it.

john ruddick

The soundtrack is a masterpiece I love this movie for so many reasons.


"Activities with rude parts" cracked me up, lol. I hope I can remember that and use it some day

Louis Marzullo

Ah, that was delightful, Dawn🦉Harrison Ford was a carpenter before hitting it big as an actor, so I have a feeling you're right about him not being one for material excess 🪚🔨🪛


There has actually been a lot of debate in the past as to whether Deckerd is, indeed, a replicant. It is still a point of contention amongst the fandom, but both Ridley Scott and Harrison Ford have both recently stated that they consider Deckerd to be one. The fact that it is still uncertain I believe is Ridley Scott's point, that it is up to each viewer to decide, or just leave it unsolved. However, Deckerd is strongly implied to be human in the book this is based upon, as he did pass the test in the book.


The film took many liberties from the book. Director Ridley Scott hasn’t been that ambiguous about it. He’s openly said Deckard is a replicant. The inclusion of the unicorn dream sequence only exists to affirm this fact. It’s Harrison Ford who didn’t like the idea of being a robot. But he’s not the writer or director is he?


I took it as Dawn not seeing Harrison Ford in something this strange and offbeat when Ford’s career is almost exclusively super mainstream broad based normie entertainment.

Louis Marzullo

Late in the outro, Dawn said she can't imagine him being the type to spend alot of money, despite his wealth, that he must be very wise with his money 💰💰💰

Chicago Artist Jon

Racheal is the unicorn. The one replicant that really believes she’s human and doesn’t have 4 year death genetics (or does she).

john ruddick

I think he spent a lot of money on weed and planes but he's got loads of money throughout his career so i doubt he's worried too much.


Let’s just hope he doesn’t mix those two things together and Ford doesn’t become another story of him dying the obvious way an amateur pilot does.

Louis Marzullo

No worries, he still has that magic, physics-defying inflatable raft from Temple of Doom 😄


Whether Deckard is or isn't a replicant doesn't matter so much, imo. The meaning of finding the unicorn origami at the end is symbolic -- he finally realizes that there's no fundamental difference btw humans and replicants, so both deserve rights. The story makes a lot more sense if Deckard is human, though. Roy's act of kindness in sparing Deckard's life causes him to go from begrudgingly killing replicants to becoming a fugitive and saving Rachel. If Deckard were a replicant, this wouldn't be as much of a sacrifice on his part.

Louis Marzullo

And if Deckard were a replicant, why would he be so physically overmatched by the others?


Because they wanted him to believe he was human. Where as the replicants he was hunting never held that belief. If he gets hurt or destroyed by the replicants, what’s the big deal? They’ll whip up another. Replicants are still illegal on earth remember. Him existing as a replicant on earth to hunt other replicants would have to be secret from everybody, including himself. And if anything I’d say it seems like he was designed to take a threshold of pain Rachel wasn’t designed to be super strong either even though they easily could have.


Roy wanted him to feel that fear in that moment Deckard hung off the building. He wanted him to experience what he and his friends were experiencing. Roy had something to say before he died. And he couldn’t very well say it to a dead man could he? And the incident did change Deckard and he’s obviously not going to go on hunting and killing replicants whether he’s a replicant himself or not. The film says so much more about the human condition and the nature of reality and existence with the revelation Deckard is a replicant himself.


Definitely watch 2049. It's amazing. Also, I loved the bit here where Rachel is in Deckard's apartment and Dawn just exclaims "he doesn't care that she's a replicant" summing up the whole point of the movie very nicely half way through.


"The film says so much more about the human condition and the nature of reality and existence with the revelation Deckard is a replicant himself." If Deckard is a replicant, wouldn't it be natural for him to empathize with other replicants? To me the more impressive transformation would be to get a human to empathize with replicants, since humans hold the power in this society. The irony is that humanity as a whole is failing the VK test since humans choose not to empathize with the existential plight of replicants. Perhaps I'm missing something, but that's how I see it.

Louis Marzullo

Now this is what a chat-platform should look like! Thanks, everyone! I haven't seen the film start-to-finish since the 80's, so you guys go right on ahead & I'll keep reading! 😄

Louis Marzullo

Dawn has that gift for getting to the heart of the matter in the pithiest way, doesn't she? 😁


Well this is what sophisticated and nuanced films are about. They should invite discussion and debate. I feel like the revelation of Deckard being a replicant says more about humanity and the nature of our minds, memories, and existence for us, the viewers. We as viewers are left with these questions. Where as if Deckard is not a replicant, yes it could be argued that it’s a greater evolution of character for Deckard (albeit a fairly predictable one) but the philosophical implications are nowhere near as profound. If Deckard isn’t a replicant, then yes he as a character has growth. He see’s the error of his ways and sees the replicants as more than just machines. If Deckard is a replicant, the philosophical implications for us as viewers are vast and shakes our understanding of reality. We ask ourselves how reliable or real out own memories are. How real out own lives are. There definitely is a philosophical slant to this film that movies like The Matrix would attempt to echo decades later. Deckard’s potentially being a replicant is hinted at first when Rachel asks him if he’s ever taken the VK test himself. And then with his daydream about the unicorn that Edward James Olmos’s character leaves an origami sculpture of letting him know that he knew what he was programmed with. The same way Deckard told Rachel about her own private memories. Another hint at Deckard being a replicant. At the end of the movie when Edward James Olmos says “You’ve done a man’s job” An unusual thing to say, no? Almost like he’s implying he’s not a man.


"If Deckard is a replicant, the philosophical implications for us as viewers are vast and shakes our understanding of reality. We ask ourselves how reliable or real out own memories are. How real out own lives are." Bartleby, on a fundamental level I think we are driving at the same thing. Which is why I think the original BR absolutely deserves to be considered one of the greatest films of all time. No matter which side you take, it leads you to the same questions. In the film, replicants are dismissed as non-humans (and thus unworthy of human rights) on the basis of a few simple criteria. They have a limited lifespan (4 years). They don't empathize like humans. And in the case of advanced models like Rachel, their implanted memories are fake. But each of these limiting conditions applies, to some extent, to regular humans as well. We usually live longer than 4 years, but not much longer than 4 score. In the context of the universe, is that much of a difference? Replicants are supposed to lack empathy. But clearly Leon, Pris, and Roy care about each other. And as can be seen in Glory or Ken Burns' The Civil War, normal humans are also quite capable of suppressing concern for others when it's advantageous to do so. What about our memories -- surely they distinguish us from replicants, don't they? Again, the answer isn't so clear. Yes, advanced replicants are assigned childhood memories that didn't actually happen to them. But even though normal humans have memories of events that really did happen, the conditions which led to those memories were assigned to us randomly. We didn't choose where and when we were born, who are parents and siblings were, what school we went to. We don't even choose our genes, which overwhelmingly determine what interests and people we gravitate towards. So in this respect also we're not so different from replicants. We're created though a biological, rather than an industrial, process, but from an individual perspective our characteristics are all randomly assigned -- just like replicants.


That's why I started my comment with "Whether Deckard is or isn't a replicant doesn't matter so much." No matter which side you take, the bottom line is that there isn't much to distinguish a human from a replicant. Even if somewhat predictable, the fact that Deckard is able to recognize this -- visually represented by discovering the unicorn origami and Deckard's knowing smile -- makes the film work for me. In other words, to me the interesting question isn't "How similar are replicants to humans?" -- instead it's "How similar are humans to replicants?" I think the answer is "a lot closer than we'd like to admit."


Then I guess you haven't seen the Final Cut? I really recommend it; the dropping of the voiceover alone is a huge improvement, imo.

Louis Marzullo

No I haven't but it is on my "bucket movie & book list"! Yes, voiceovers only work for Scorsese (usually) 🤓 Thanks!


Well here to a complex, fascinating, and thought provoking film. 🍻

Robert Inman

Watching 2049 can also affect the "is Deckard a replicant?" discussion. ;)

Bill W

Hey Dawn, Harrison Ford has appeared in 50+ feature length films. Pretty much every role after Empire Strikes Back (1980) has been a leading role, or at least top 3 in billing, but they haven't all been blockbusters. Some were flops. His first acting role was in 1966, so that averages out to about a little less than 1 film per year. You're right, he's not one for mansions and Ferraris and yachts, but he is into aviation...small planes and helicopters. He lives on a 3.2 sq.k. ranch in Wyoming (far away from Hollywood) half of which he donated as a nature preserve, but also has a home in LA for work purposes.

Bill W

Seinfeld cites Blade Runner..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tON2UfJ4vQ4

Louis Marzullo

Wow, can't believe I missed that. It wasn't in The Puerto Rican Day Parade episode, was it? I only saw that one once 😄❤️🇵🇷

Louis Marzullo

I just caught the joke in the intro about the future always being "white, hard, sterile & plastic" 🤣 Did you also want to add "battery-operated" to that, Dawn Marie? 😄

Bill W

It was the cold open for The Dealership (Season 9, Episode 11). They often cut off the cold opens in syndication (as long as they're not germane to the plot) so they can squeeze in another commercial. The PR Parade is on Netflix if you want to see it again. It wasn't a great episode.. only 1 funny bit , really.

Louis Marzullo

Ah yes, my Johnson Rod may need replacing! 🤣 A double-phallic reference! Groucho would approve!

Bill W

"Johnson rod.." from The Fusilli Jerry (Season 6)... another classic.

Louis Marzullo

It wasn't from The Dealership? George telling Jerry a mechanic can tell you anything & you wouldn't know. "Yeah, I think you need a new Johnson Rod". No?

Bill W

In The Fusilli Jerry, Jerry and Puddy had an arguement so he took his car to another mechanic who was trying to screw him.

Louis Marzullo

Oh ok. Dang, coulda swore it was the other. And that's not even counting Brad Garrett kidnapping Jerry's car 2-part episode!

Louis Marzullo

"Cool Runnings"?? 😂 Hey, the more John Candy, the better!!


If you’re reviewing it, it’s worth a watch

Ajax Fernsby

Switching over to the “other” guy in the film, for a glimpse at a post apocalyptic view of the future, check out Rutger Hauer in “The Blood Of Hero’s” 1989. I’m not sure how many of your viewers have seen it but just keep it in your back pocket for like your day off or something. You would love it.