Happy New Year to you all when it comes and I hope it's a good one 😊 It's going to be a good one here! I'm well underway with finding an editor to help with the work load and avoid situations like the past month and a bit!
I'm going to put Die Hard 2 and Trading Places back on the shelf for now and start fresh in January! With the festivities and family visiting it's been a busy time to end the year. The Patron Pick for December will be the first upload of the New Year and it's a good one. The name of it is related to a compass 🧭 I'll leave that for you guys to figure out! Don't worry they'll still be a January Patron Pick as well. I'll get onto that soon!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this reaction and I'll see you all next year 🤪 Happy Hogmanay 🥳