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If Saebi & Koko don't debut together I'm not stanning... (idk we will see lol)

Mnet is really going all out with the evil & dramatic editing this ep, Jiyoon x Jungeun is still a thing?! Sujung x Mai new rivalry?! The producers hate Yuju and more...

The whole Saebi x Koko dynamic brought some wholesomeness in this rather dark(?) episode.

I need to do a new Top 6 yt short because it changed drastically after this episode.

What do you think? Are some members more popular than they are talented? The opposite? Are you satisfied with the current Top 6?




I believe Viki uploads the most recent episode with subs about 24 hours after it airs. I'm not 100% sure because I've never needed to use it, but it might have ads and a cap on the video quality if you don't get the premium. As for this episode, I guess Monika wants us to start saying Nam Yuju is HIM now, but I'm not going to because I don't like Monika lol. As for being satisfied with the top 6, those rankings don't mean anything other than to get people thinking a certain way to influence voting. Jeemin at 7 and Jiyoon at 8 could be interpreted as Mnet signaling that they wouldn't be producer picks and they want people to not relax about voting for them. Speaking of voting and producer picks and pretty much everything else, I've seen so many fan theories it's crazy. For the rankings they showed us, the consensus is that 1-4 was Jeemin, Jiyoon, Fuko and Yuju with 8-9 being Jungeun and Sujung. There's multiple fan theories revolving around these rankings and why certain girls were shown to us. With 6 members, there's a possibility that Mnet only wants 1 foreign member in the group and they have decided that they want Koko. They left Fuko's position hidden and didn't acknowledge her at all after her performance this episode. It feels like they are trying to make us forget about her and have her drop out of the top 3 so that they can eliminate her before the final. They want us to save Saebi. They show her in 7th and who the 2 in front of her are. This could be seen as them suggesting those 3 as a package vote to move them all up and to move Fuko and Yuju down. Showing the bottom 3 is also showing us that either they want us to use them as filler votes because they won't affect the outcome, or that these 3 "have no chance" and should be swapped out and replaced by a pick they want you to vote for. As for the girls themselves and regarding the popularity vs talent debate, I'd prefer to have Yui (who beat Fuko imo) instead of Mai in the final 12, but other than that, I think the other 11 are worthy if they are selected to debut. There are some who have a rank higher than what I think they have shown, as well as the opposite, but it's not such a glaring difference that you could forcefully say X trainee doesn't deserve Y rank (outside of Mai, who's been glazed by the judges way too much and should have lost to Yuju). My personal 3 picks are Yuju, Sarang and Koko now. I'm expecting most people to vote a combination of Jeemin and Jiyoon with either Saebi or Jungeun as their 3rd, so I'm voting for the 3 that I would want in the group with them. There's another theory that this 3 pick is a test to see who we vote for so they can decide how many producer picks they need to give themselves in the final to get their ideal lineup. I think Jeemin and Jiyoon are locks. Jeemin got her overcoming adversity edit and Jiyoon is about to get her "we're friends again" edit with Jungeun as the main course since we just got the appetizer edit of her being a helpful leader and helping Mai when everyone else was getting edited to hell and back in that room. After those 2, they want Saebi and Koko. They fit perfectly together and with the other 2 I've already named. The final 2 is where it gets interesting. If we go by votes, we will get Fuko and either Yuju or Sarang. I don't think Mnet wants this. If these theories are true, which is a huge stretch, they want Yuju and Sarang to leapfrog Fuko and push her down to 6th or 7th where they could either have a top 6 of Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Koko, Yuju and Sarang or have Fuko in 6th and use the producer pick to get who they want instead of Fuko. It sounds crazy but it kinda makes sense. Yuju is super popular in Japan and can be the de facto "2nd foreigner." The tower trio plus Jiyoon will please Korean fans and Sarang is that true all rounder that fits Korean beauty standards. The 6 that wouldn't make it would be: Fuko and Mai: with Koko and Yuju, they get 1.5 Japanese members who also have more combined popularity. Juwon: they've ignored her since Panorama. I'm surprised she got this far. Gyuri: she doesn't fit The Black Label image imo. They might push her if she does something more Blackpink style in the future but if the producers keep deciding who performs what, it won't happen. Sujung: the Twitter and Reddit clowns have their pitchforks out already. Someone posted something exposing that moment as mistranslated and pure Cai Bing level evil editing, but the braindead hivemind is already in attack mode. She's done. I'm kinda glad though. She would be shackled and mistreated by WakeOne. She needs to go somewhere that let's her be CL and Soyeon. Jungeun: Outside of those 6 I think will debut, and possibly Fuko if her voters stay strong, this is the only other girl with a chance. She's needs to be a producer pick though. She'll never get enough Korean support to reach the top 6. Everyone in front of her has Korean support and she barely has any. Look at that 140 something score the live crowd gave her. Her only hope is the producers pick her over Fuko, Yuju, AND Sarang. These 4 are fighting for 2 spots with 4 locked in (Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Koko) Some people are holding onto Mai having a chance but she's a producer pick only and they finally criticized her today so that ship is possibly sailing. I'd be completely fine with a Jeemin, Jiyoon, Saebi, Koko, Yuju, Sarang lineup. Especially because... Nam Yuju is HER

Chad Williams

saebi koko fuko jeemin jiyoon jungeun top 6 with sarang yuju close behind for me in terms of talent and personality jiyoon jungeun can get over whatever their problem is cuz theyre debuting together even if jungeun has to be a producer pick jeemin is a lock at this point jiyoon near lock fuko is mom so im pretty confident with her as leader jungeun needs pd to pick her cuz korea retarded saebi isvery talented as well as popular in voting shes almost locked in for me koko spot is the most up for grabs hopefully they surprise us and add a 7thso we get one of sarang or yuju sarang seems gone at this point plus im not a fan of her voice too much like a cl or annoying soyeon style voice no offense to soyeon but i hate her voice gyuri has a future in kpop just not here juwon i like but mnet is refusing her screen time or credit for how good she is so ive given up on her fan vote and pd dont care for her enough mai theyre kinda pushing but i dont think shes talented enough who i imagine the final group to be is fuko jungeun jiyoon jeemin saebi koko or 1 of the other 2 korean members yuju or sarang for the last spot


Yeah, i think five girls are locked. Tower trio, Jiyoon and Fuko are in. Now it is a battle for sixth spot between Jungeun, Sarang nad Yuju. Personally i would go with Sarang over Jeemin and Yuju over Koko with Jungeun in the group ALL DAY but it is not happening. Sujung is done after her comments, people are mad everywhere. Rest have no chance.