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Loved both performances and I'm so glad we got that fun & emotional part with the trainees before the elimination. It's nice to see Jiyoon & Jungeun on good terms.

It's still weird to me how Sujung is not going to the finale! While all the remaining trainees are good, I think she could've easily been chosen in place of...

The current Top 6 voted by fans would make an amazing line-up but this was with 3-pick voting. Now it's only a 1-pick vote to determine the final line-up and I'm so scared for Saebi, Jungeun & Fuko since they have very low 1-pick votes... we really need members determined by the producers :(
However, the producers will definitely pick Sarang in the finale after they called her the next generation all-rounder...

It's so over for me even before the finale happens lol




The words "Teddy produced" has had more screentime than Sun Juwon in Part 2. Juwon having Shuhua's part in Latata is pretty ironic. I think they praised all the trainees this time because they were afraid of getting jumped if they said what they normally do. Into The New World is older than half of the team performing it. The "girl I used to train with" that Jeemin mentioned is most likely Yunah. Someone needs to make that Shaquille O'Neal meme for this moment: Mario when they announced rank 1: I sleep Mario when they announced rank 2: real shit The group that was on screen for a split second before the first ad break was NewJeans. They needed to eliminate 2 to feed to Monika to keep her young. She was starting to show her age. For the RU Next trainees you mentioned: Chanelle: Rumor was she started going to school then started training again. Rumored to join a group called Kandis. Jihyun: I heard she left and joined another company. A fansite of hers said she'll debut this autumn. Hyewon: last thing I heard about her was she was still training at Belift with 3 or 4 other girls from the show. I hope they are just waiting out contracts so they can leave. I think Jiwoo just left because she opened her Instagram account like a week ago. I have a feeling the final 6 will actually be decided by votes only. My predicted final 6: 1. Jeemin- too much support. You can cut her votes in half and she'll still debut. 2. Jiyoon- I think she has the highest Korean 1 pick after Jeemin. 3. Koko- She has enough popularity to make it, but don't be surprised if she slips to 5th or 6th because people think she's safe. 4. Jungeun- she has a big international 1 pick. It worked for Bahiyyih in Girls Planet and it worked for Ricky in Boys Planet. I think it works for her too. 5. Fuko- It's really cloudy after those top 4 and anything can happen in 1 pick. She's given me Mashiro vibes the entire show so I'll predict she is the first name they call. 6. This is where it gets extremely crazy because I see a world where the other 5 can make it. Saebi- if the Jeemin fans do for Saebi what Ran fans did for Suzu, she can make it. Sarang- the obvious push says it all. If there is a 7th pick from producers, I think it's her. Mai- through everything that's gone on, she's still getting enough support to be a threat. Yuju- I think her chances are slim, but one thing she has going for her are that a lot of the people voting for her are already 1 picks. I just think the edits in Part 2 have kept enough new fans from noticing her. We'll see what happens. Gyuri- That 1 pick Korean support makes her dangerous. I'd be surprised if she finishes lower than 7th. I'm still sticking with my original prediction that she takes the last spot. If I had a ton of money and my own company, I'd debut Yuju, Juwon, Sujung, Yui, Minsol, Umji and Sarang in a 7 member group.


I'm seeing a lot of people add Yuju to their Top 6 but I'm not sure how strong her 1-pick will be. I have no hope for Saebi especially after seeing people dropping her now but anything can happen with the 6th one as you said. And I am hoping for more than 1 producer pick because if it's just one then they will pick Sarang, "the next generation all-rounder". I saw some polls and ppl saying that Koko's 1-pick is weaker than people think because a lot of them are focusing on Jeemin or had Jeemin as their first pick and Koko as 2nd or 3rd. Btw, since you told me about RUN trainees, any info on Himena? I still think she would be a great maknae in a group and she would pull off different concepts so well.


One of Himena's fansites said she left Hybe and went home for a while but now she's back to training at another company in Korea. (They weren't allowed to say which company) It does seem like Koko's 1 pick will cause her to fall. I just don't think there are enough people below her that are strong enough to move her out of the top 6 completely. I'm thinking we won't get any producer picks for the top 6. They might add one to make it 7, but I just have that gut feeling we'll get all 6 from votes. The crazy thing is other than Jeemin, I think Jiyoon is the only one with a super strong 1 pick. Jungeun has hers but it might be too heavily weighted toward international votes which are probably going to be worth 1/8th of what 1 Korean vote will be. I think the door is open for anyone. Saebi might get those panic votes. Sujung voters are trying to organize for Yuju. I don't know if enough will join to make a difference, but I still feel like we are gonna get a predictable 1st and 2nd place with complete chaos filling the other 4 spots, either by voters surprising everyone or the producers step in and RU Next this.