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It's always so funny when Siyeon tries to be funny especially when Chodan feels the second-hand embarrassment KKKKK



His real name is Park Myung Soo. Cha Eunsoo is a fictional character he is playing. He is parodying the actor and Kpop artist Cha Eun Woo (A very handsome dude). That's what this series is all about. You are right about Chodan's story of she getting expelled. Siyeon has a college backstory too.


I'm so sorry. I recommended this video, but I didn't check the quality of the subtitles. I am also hoping for QWER's debut in Japan.


Also take note when watching these korean youtube channels. Their translation sometimes is not that fluent. The subtitles might be confusing because they sometimes interchange the "I" and "You" words from time to time. So you have to use your instinct with those lol


In case you want, i think this is the best sound quality for their Comeback Show Performance for "My Name is Sunny" and "Goodbye My Sadness" https://youtu.be/dJ4Ujl3HxqE?si=TTcU1Wl2pgdRVavp