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The SNSD journey continues!



OMG!Soshi Tamtam! I'm really waiting for your reaction to this show,I'm really happy now, thanks💗 BTW:I think Hyoyeon is the variety show MVP! She already make iconic jokes within this short time lol,The next is the unofficial subunit 'SHY'[Hyoyeon.Yuri.Sooyoung]Anyway, next we sone can join these 8 beautiful, lovely and savage girls,enjoy together this fun and touching journey through snsd😀🤣😭


Soo Excited for this!!! Unrelated but I just upgraded my tier and where do I leave my requests?


Ohhh you are now a Legend! DM your requests. Btw, I would appreciate if you could do it in an organized way so it's easier to follow/read. Usually all the requests that I receive are either put in a youtube playlist or links are sent as a numbered list like X group: 1- 2- Y group: ....


To answer your question about their age/year they were born: Taeyeon, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Yuri are all born in 89, Sooyoung and Yoona in 90 and Seohyun in 91