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The choreography?! Modhaus really did them justice with the album sound, quality and the choreos... 

they do need to promote them better though and prioritize that over their n f t s smh 




The CB/debut talk you had with yourself got me dizzy. How about we go with anticipation instead? Lol. I want to say I have been enjoying what a good amount of these smaller companies have been doing with their idols. MODHAUS is one of them, and 143 is another, along with S2. They have been 1000% giving quality on a smaller scale. My favorite b side song last year was “Eye to Eye.” Another thing about MODHAUS is how they give their idols the freedom to record what they want to do for in-house content. Signals are done daily, but the girls figure out what they want to record (most of the time.) The same goes for OEC, Heejin, and. soon Haseul. The Exploration logs they do. Basically, they where told “you” to figure it out, and we record (most of the time) I can't wait for what Heejin and Haseul will do next.

Brent Justice

You can have a re-debut, which means to debut under a different banner or company or even a different name.