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Thanks to floxer for requesting this reaction!

Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIpiEcsBhjk



Don't know why aninews describes it as rudeus's fault when literally any other mage experienced or not was set for death in that scenario even with rudeus's future sight he couldn't make sense of the super fast (8) necks flinging around another thing aninews left out is paul's reasoning for his message to rudeus TDLR is paul never got the chance to save his mother in the past and it deeply affected him so he didn't want to rudeus to go through that)


Ahh okay yeah idk if it really was his fault. If so Rudeus would be feeling even more devastated than he already is...


12:23 So about the Geese stuff. The novel at the current point did not reveal any answers to that. The only thing that got cut at this time and that was worthy to point out, was that Rudeus noticed something weird is going on here with Geese's information. 17:00 And the line "Safe your mother even if it kills you" is quite a literal translation to my knowledge. The point is simply not that Paul would be ok with Rudeus dying, as we saw he would make sure to prevent that, it's more like he tried to get Rudeus into the right mindset. Like go all out, all or nothing kinda thing I guess. Which is what he did with his last move of ramming his hand into the Hydras eye. That is not something the normally timid Rudeus would probably do.


Yeah I'm also often unhappy with his script or the scenes he chooses to talk about, often wasting time recapping things that are in the anime instead of sharing stuff that was completely skipped. My only guess about why, is that maybe he does that to make sure to not accidently spoil if the anime team decided to move around the order of things. What I mean is: If a scene was included but it was trimmed, you can be pretty sure the anime won't later suddenly come back to that scene and complete it, so he can talk about it in the videos. But if a scene or full chapter was completely skipped there might be a higher chance that the anime includes it later as flashback or something. For example Paul background story stuff with his mother. Although I personally doubt it and would have included it in the video.


I'm pretty sure Aninews is anime only and reads up to whatever the last episode is to whatever chapter the light novel is on or atleast thats the way it feels the only other person who does a pretty decent job at cut content would be otakuspirit but his videos are very sleeper so the average person wouldn't most likely watch them