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WATCH THE REACTION HERE: https://streamable.com/ay7oy6

ALTERNATIVE LINK: https://ln5.sync.com/dl/ec2ece020/5tdsuxge-d4zv3usc-83r7vt9h-364j7u3g



Isaac Brown

i can't remember if you've already said, but are you planning on watching the whole show or up until a certain season?


I'm definitely open to watching the whole way through, but it'll depend how many people will want me to! If the amount of people interested really does drop off significantly then I might just quit after a certain season. Same for Arrow. What would you recommend me to do? :)

Isaac Brown

well i would say just stop whenever you're not enjoying it anymore or i guess if people aren't interested. Seasons 4-5 were where some people started to drop off, but personally they're some of my favorites and have a lot of great moments, especially 5. The first 9 episodes of Season 6 are also really good and that's when it starts to go downhill. There are many "meh" episodes after that but then you'll get hit with a random 9/10 or 10/10 episode. But for me a clean stopping point would have to be Season 6, Episode 9. Sorry for the long comment haha


Okay that sounds fair enough! Still a lot that's worth watching I guess, that's good to know :) I'll probably ask people over here in a poll how long they'd plan on watching along and then make my mind up based on that.

Nate Deezy

Harry showed where they sent Grodd, its an actual rainforest in africa. a city made by other gorillas.. Basically planet of the apes Lol