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WATCH THE REACTION HERE: https://streamable.com/xxac7f

ALTERNATIVE LINK: https://ln5.sync.com/dl/91502ace0/ub3apkk3-ny6q246e-7stkpwsm-9tummvp9



Keith Allen

What happened to episode 09? You posted S02E08 and jumped to S02E10


As NuunOzil mentioned, the episode was posted! But there's a weird Patreon bug at the moment where it's removing videos from the collection for no reason. You'll always be able to keep finding them by searching though, but I'll try to prevent it from happening as best as I can!


I genuinely think you should watch all the way through. Even tho it went downwards, it's still enjoyable (kinda). And Grant Gustin (Barry) CARRIES this show all the way through the end! His performance in this show is soo frkn good! I hope you'll finish it!