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WATCH THE REACTION HERE: https://streamable.com/udyy1h

ALTERNATIVE LINK: https://ln5.sync.com/dl/c6cac9fe0/ibhzg4bc-cbskqt9t-s7mc5r2f-ic9qkux5



Isaac Brown

Cisco saw Reverse-Flash when he touched Harry because he actually touched Reverse-Flash's suit, not Harry. Also one of the writers (who i think was kicked off after this season) had problems with the actress who plays Patty, thats why she was written off so hastily she was supposed to be around for this whole season and possibly longer. Which sucks cause I really liked her. Thats why i don't get too mad at Barry for messing it up lol


Oh wow that's super unfortunate! I really liked her character too... It felt very hasty for her to leave like that and I was wondering if she'd even be coming back but I guess that answers that

Nate Deezy

you gotta stop assuming everybody is from earth 2 Lol


lmao so true, whenever a new character shows up he's instantly fixated that they're from earth 2. It doesn't even make sense that Eobard would be after Jay.


It’s not letting me watch this episode or any after this


Hey Aja3u! Yeah this video player has been unfortunately been giving me and viewers massive issues. I've already made the switch to a new one and I'm in the process of uploading all these videos there! So the posts will be edited within the next few days. For now you can try hitting the download option and then play it locally!


Thank you. By the way, I love this show and the whole arrow verse. I’ve watched it like 10 times and it’s been cool watching someone do a reaction to it. I’ve been wanting someone to do it for a while so, thank you.


Ahh super happy to hear that! I can't wait to get further in and also check out some of the other shows also. Gonna have an announcement about that soon actually! I think you'll be happy with it :)