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Nate Deezy

i think Zoom just wants people to live in fear of him... As a kid he seen his dad beat and yell at his mom, she was in fear of his father, until he got fed up and he killed her for disobeying, i think Jay/Zoom is the same.. He wants everybody to live in fear of him, and if they dont or go against him, he kills them. Hes just twisted in the head lol


In most cases kids that grow up in an abusive home, become abusers themselves and want people to experience the fear and all the bad stuff that they experienced as kids themselves. that's just how life is, not everyone grows up with mindset of like "Yeah when I grow up I'm gonna be different, I won't do what that person did to me, I'm gonna be better".

Nate Deezy

right, a good example thats going on right now irl is the Menendez Brothers.. horrible things done to them, then one of the brothers replicated those horrible things to his little brother because he thought that was normal.

Christopher Paten

Like I said last season I love watching you piece all this together. Twist and turns, the reveals. Some of them are top notch. Keep it up you know we love to see it.