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Jon Warden

You might not have noticed but when Barry was released from the speed force and he was saying all that stuff that was actually him experiencing the past the present and the future all at once if you actually remembered some of the lines he said they're from previous seasons the most notable one being "you said everyone was safe that there was no residual danger so what really happened that night" if I said that right. That line is from the very first episode when Barry got mad at Harrison who was actually eobard thawne that there were more metas and he wasn't the only one


will you ever watch/do reactions to the jurassic franchise or have you already seen it?


I think the only one I saw was Jurassic World. Saw that once when it aired in cinemas many years back. I hardly remember it. But I don't think I've ever watched any of the OG ones so definitely something I could consider doing at some point!


Ohhh interesting! So they kinda teased future episodes/seasons with this too? That's very cool :D

Jon Warden

Yeah basically it's very cool and sneaky. I did not expect you to reply to my comment 😭. I may try to comment things you haven't known a lot because I'm a hardcore flash fan. You should also note that the flash in the comics CANNOT COMPARE to this one. Did you know that in the comics Wally West is actually a lot faster than Barry Allen? He also becomes a primary flash like his own version after Barry. He's the fastest flash. I want to say in the comics that Barry Allen and Wally West actually had a race and almost ended the world with it because they were so fast they almost split the earth in two.

Nate Deezy

the flash in the comics far surpasses this one what do you mean he cant compare

Jon Warden

The flash is so much better in the comics that you can't really compare him to this one because he always surpasses him


Oh damn! I guess they're trying to keep it a little bit more grounded with this show then compared to the comics? Or maybe splitting the earth in two would require a bit too high of a budget to animate hahaha


Definitely keep commenting if there's more things I should know btw! No spoilers for the future obviously but other than that helpful input is always appreciated :) I always read all the Patreon comments!


YES I'd love seeing you react to the whole franchise please

Jon Warden

I'll also do some comments on Arrow as well because I just got the arrowverse ultimate subscription so now I can finally watch all your reactions

Jon Warden

Anyway basically the flash is probably one of the most powerful superheroes in DC. The flash is actually qualified to fight Superman. People think he's just a guy who runs around really fast and that's really it but he has a lot more than that. It's not really shown much in the show because of the way it was written but the flash is a lot stronger than many people think but since you know plot and all that they have to change stuff. Basically the flash's only weakness is writing. Okay enough from me I've been yapping too much.

Anurag Kumar Tiwary

Around 17:00 Cisco said to samurai what will you do mifune with the swords, Now that I have watched naruto shippuden I can understand the reference. I don't think I am spoiling something huge but you will be introduced to a samuroit named Mifune around Midway of the Naruto shippuden series

Adam Wood

This episode gave me hope for season 4, that vanished, keep watching though till the crossovers etc