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My apologies for unfortunately having to "re-react" to this episode after losing the audio for my original recording! I explained the situation in the beginning of the video. Thankfully, I don't think it was too big of a deal, and I'll have fresh reactions again starting from the next episode which turned out to be a major one :D I hope you'll enjoy my thoughts on episode 14 nonetheless!


Death Note 1x14 Reaction "Friend"

Next 8 episodes + full length reactions up on Patreon: http://www.Patreon.com/Robinoyo Subscribe to catch all my reaction videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX1sfpc5yQksw3EpAape6eg?sub_confirmation=1 Gaming channel: http://www.YouTube.com/RobinGaming Twitch: http://www.Twitch.tv/Robinoyo Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/RobinGaming Instagram: http://www.Instagram.com/robingamingyt


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