August Update - A New Show & New Tier! (Patreon)
Hey everyone!
August is here. I can't believe next month will mark a year already since I started creating reaction videos. It's been so much fun watching all these shows and working on the content for you all, and I can't thank those of you who continue to be here supporting me on the journey enough!
I can't lie, the Patreon dropoff has been pretty brutal since my first time reaction series for Attack on Titan ended. Where we peaked at over 500 members just a few months ago, there are now around 200 of you left as we're starting this new month. While it's certainly somewhat worrying and discouraging, I knew that it was realistically inevitable and don't plan to let that stop me from continuing to put all my focus on growing out the channel. I guess that's just part of the rollercoaster ride that is YouTube.
As for content plans, I wanted to discuss some things with you all. As mentioned, Demon Slayer is ending at the end of this month, which means we'll be starting a new show! I'll be putting up a poll in a week or two for you to vote on. The options will most likely be Vinland Saga, Jujutsu Kaisen & Arcane.
Ideally, I aim to continue with a "5 videos per week" schedule. It seems to be the optimal choice as far as the maximum amount I can handle consistently without risking to burn myself out. Death Note currently takes up two slots, Attack on Titan re-watch also does, which means the new show would get the same "one episode per week" schedule as Demon Slayer currently does.
However, I'm thinking about possibly doing another poll to decide whether Attack on Titan should keep the two slots per week or the upcoming new show should get it instead. I do notice that the AoT re-watch doesn't seem quite as popular as I had initially presumed, and I also think it might be less essential anyway once we'll get close to finishing the first season. I'll leave it up to you all to decide!
Finally, there's one more thing I wanted to let you know about. I've added an extra tier to my Patreon page, for anyone who would like to contribute to the channel just a little bit extra. It's totally optional, and tier 2 will remain the ultimate tier for access to all my early access & exclusive content. However, I will add a new overlay to the intro discussions of my videos starting next week, where tier 3 supporters will be able to immortalize themselves by getting credited in every single video! Know that your support is crucial in allowing me to produce these videos, and I'm really thankful to every single one of you contributing to that no matter which tier you support through!
To end this update, I wish you all the best and hope you're all doing well! These are undoubtedly tough and uncertain times for many of us, myself included, but I know that eventually, things álways get better again. Keep in touch, whether in the Patreon comments or on Discord. I hope to hear from you all!