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Chapter 20

“So much more?” Those words echoed in Harvey´s mind during his whole shift. More than just that, they echoed in his mind during the whole day!

What does Mrs. Stalwart mean by that? Much more? Like what? What does she mean?


As he worked, or tried his best to do so, he couldn´t help but to look at his gigantic boss. She was focused, or so she seemed to him. But, for some reason, she seemed thoughtful. He could see it in her face, she had something in mind.

And it was quite clear what she had in mind. But let´s talk about his perception first. About his worries.


Harvey was looking at her, with doubt, a million things running up his mind.

First, he should separate his conceptions in two paths. It was something good, or it was something bad.

If it meant something good, that could mean that she likes his company. She mentioned he was special, so she must mean it´s nice to have him around.

She enjoys his company, there´s nothing wrong with that. The thing is, she said she cares. And that´s much different.


What kind of care? Like, she cares he´s around? She cares for him? She cares about… what?

He wasn’t sure if this was something good, or if it was something bad. Well, when someone cares for you it´s not something bad, unless they are obsessed with you.

But that couldn´t be.


Mrs. Stalwart was not the kind of woman that would get obsessed with a man. Much less with him. She´s a 9´6”, voluptuous giantess of a woman, what could she see in him?

There was just no way. He looked at her, a successful, confident, strong, and let´s admit it, gorgeous woman. What could she see in him?

He looked at her, with attention, trying to find an explanation. But, as he stared, she turned. One would think she´d be all like: “What are you looking at? Get back to work!” stern, authoritative, that´s like her, however… she didn´t say anything.

She smiled, tilt her head and closed her eyes warmly. And then, she went back to work.

Harvey was shocked! Her response to catch him staring was not anger? On the contrary, she smiled? She smiled at him!

What was going on?!


Now, let´s talk a little more about the way she´s handling things.

What she said, it wasn´t easy, but she was true. Each word was true. A confession, maybe not of love, but she´s heading that way. The only thing she said was that she cared, and in the process, she also said he was special.

“Oh no… did I just say that?” She thought, the second those words escaped her lips. She wasn´t ready for this, but at the same time, was it bad?

She felt relieved. The truth had taken a very heavy weight off her shoulders. Of course, she didn´t like his immediate reaction, he didn´t say he liked her back. But let´s be fair, she´s too intimidating to be immediately praised after saying something like what she said.

She knows she doesn´t live in a fantasy land, that her handsome blue prince won´t come across, riding a big, shinning horse. And she knows he won´t carry her in his arms as they ride towards the horizon.

First of all, she knows no man that can carry her on his own. Second, maybe not even a horse can support her weight. And third, she´s no dreaming fool. She knows that, if she wants something, then she must work for it. And now, she´ll work on Harvey. Work on their, for as hard as it is to admit it, she´ll work on their relationship.

There´s something about him that drives her crazy. Maybe it´s time to let it all out. Little by little, in small doses, the last thing she wants is to get heartbroken. She´s avoided it so far, it´ll be a shame if it happened now.


When she caught him staring, she immediately thought: “Why is he looking at me?” And, within a second, a couple ideas crossed her mind.

First, worry, was there something in her face? The second thing was anger, why is he staring! It´s rude! And the third one, it was a sweeter one. “Aww, is he… contemplating me?” Maybe he liked what she said and just couldn´t help it. “Ok, let´s be kind, let´s smile at him…” and so, she smiled.

Trying to project sweet emotions. Kindness. And lure him in the process.


She was happy, she thought this was working. And, at the same time, worried, had she revealed things too soon?

Well, he already lives at her old place. She´s way nicer to him than she is to everyone else. She invited him to dinner. What other sign does he need?


The truth is, so far, he didn´t really notice her intentions were to seduce him. Even if she wasn´t trying her best, still, it was quite obvious.

Harvey just, foolishly, thought she was kind. But, being serious, who´ll do all that out of pure kindness? There´s no doubt there´s someone that could, but not his boss.

Mrs. Stalwart wouldn´t do that for anyone. As she said, he was special…


Very, very special…

Harvey couldn´t stop thinking, not even when he was back at his place. Which is, once again, her place. Whether she lives there or not, that doesn´t change the fact that she owns the property, and that she owns everything there is inside that place. Everything except for him. Unless…

“Does she want to own me?” He freaked out! Are her intentions not pure hearted?

Well, of course they would be! She´s a woman that has everything she wants. How about owning someone too?

It sounds too bad, and too awful, the true meaning should be, how about she wants to have someone in debt with her? What if she´s giving him a place to live, what if she´s inviting him dinner, being nice, all in order so that he owes her.

It would be convenient for her to have a man that, literally, must do anything she wants because he´s in debt with her.

“Did you really thought I´d give you all of that for free?” He could picture her saying those words. And it froze him to the core!


“There´s just no way!” She couldn´t be that evil.

He spent a lot of time thinking about this. Finding some reasons she could have. And any of them seemed logical. He found no serious explanation to why she´d say what she did.

He even chose to believe she was a little… drunk. Which was forbidden, but that could explain enough.


In the middle of the night, as he was struggling not to think he was sleeping in her bed and that this could create some debt to him, an idea came to him.

Just when he thought he was going to sleep. When he thought his worries were miles away and that the tiredness of his body had won, he had one last idea. One last thought.

“What if… when she says she cares, that she likes me, what if it means that… she´s actually in love with me?” His eyes were open, but there was nothing to see in the absolute darkness of the room.

This idea, it was actually quite revealing. It could explain quite a few things. But once again, logic beat his argument. A woman like her? In love with a guy like him?

“Hehe, yeah, sure…” and that was the very last thought he had before he actually fell asleep.


But still, for as dumb, unrealistic, and silly as it sounds, he wasn´t wrong.

There was still a small, almost imperceptible doubt in him. He went to sleep at very late hours, his mind was just focused on finding a response, and for that, he stayed up until really late hours. But, for as tired as he was, his ideas still stuck to his mind.

If there´s a chance, for as ridiculous as it seems, then he must prove it. He´ll keep a close eye on her.


In the morning, the early morning. Mrs. Stalwart woke up. She wasn´t stressed for this whole matter, she felt relieved. And so, in the morning, as the amazon took her coffee, she wondered: “Could this freak him out? I hope he doesn´t take this the wrong way.” But, is there a way to take this wrong?

She´s a monumental, sensuous amazon. And she´s practically rich.


If money´s an actual matter to him, then she´ll be his sugar mommy. But that´s not what he´s after.

Now, speaking of looks. She´s got them all! She´s pretty, her body is sensuous. Voluptuous, a tease, a big, shocking tease for the eye. Sure, she´s big, very big, and so thick, but that´s just because she´s 9´6”. Her legs must be thick and plump to support her body, but that doesn´t make them any less sensuous.

And her boobs, he could sleep over those massive, pillowy breasts. Forget about the world as he sinks into the soft, fleshy body of this woman.

Plus, she´s also very pretty. Very, very much. She looks young for her mature age, she has big, pretty eyes, and when she gives you the look, you´ll melt.


“He´d be so lucky if he was in a relationship with me…” she blushed with those words. Mrs. Stalwart blushed to the thought of a relationship with Harvey.

She´s never been in an official relationship, how could it be? Could she be the sweet girlfriend? The cute, sweet, perfect girlfriend? Well… maybe not as sweet.

Or, could she be more of the wise, stern but fair, girlfriend? Self-centered, smart, taking all of the important decisions?

There´s a lot of things she must find out, but first, there´s something more important. What will be his response?

She´s not even sure if he´ll actually like to be in a relationship with her. She´s not even sure if he likes her as his boss. Has he gossiped? Has he chatted with someone else about her not being lovely?

“What if he´s spoken with someone about our dating… if I may call it such a way. Could he… had he described me as a weird boss who´s doing her best to seduce him? No, I´m not that obvious.” Was she?

Maybe she was thinking this was more “casual” than it actually was. Dinner with the boss just because? That´s obviously a date!


Now, she´s worried. Had she been too obvious? Was she moving too fast? And if she was, shouldn´t she had already explained her intentions? She can´t just invite him over to places with her out of the office without there being actually something. That´ll freak him out.


“Maybe…” she thought, “maybe it´s time to come a bit more forward with him. Not too straight forward, just… casually showing my interest in him. I mean, I´ve already told him he´s special. Now, he must know I care for him. Who knows, he might already feel the same way…” Did he?

Was Harvey into his boss as she was into him? Could that be a possibility?


If it was true, then he´ll fall with the least of teases. Speak up, come clean to her within the first chance.

If he did, she´d be ecstatic! Wouldn´t it be wonderful? But, there´s another side of the coin. If he´s not, then, as soon as she reveals her intentions, he might want to get away.

Quit, run away, stay as far away as possible from her as he can. After all, she´s a giantess, a very intimidating giantess.

“Oh, why do I have to come up with such conclusions? Why can´t he just love me and that´s it!” She´s not as confident as someone would think when it comes to love.


Mrs. Stalwart will try. And this time, she´ll make sure that he notices she´s trying. What could be a good way to start? She´s already done a few things, but this time, it´s time for a real step. A BIG one!


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