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Hello everyone, I´d like you to help me decide on my next one-shot story, I have three options for you that´ll be listed below.

I´ll check on the numbers on the 14th of this month and post the story on the 21st of this same month. 

I just posted chapter 2 of "Living Together" and I´ll be posting chapter 7 of "Hi... Neightbor" in about two days. I hope you like them :D

Having said that, here are your options, please vote :)


A man decides to enter in a “changing house”, a place where you enter and each passing day, you get to choose whether you gain or loose 10% of your height. The thing is that you need to have a couple, man or woman, doesn´t matter. But there has to be an exchange, if you´re going to grow, then the other person has to shrink, and if you have to shrink, the other person grows. It´s to maintain some sort of balance. The man decides to enter, he stands at 6´3”, so he´s a tall guy, but he´s wondering what is it like to change his point of view, given the fact that he has been attracted to taller woman. He enters, and since he doesn´t have a partner, he gets to choose one.


Bored and with nothing else to do, he decides to check on the internet for “something” to do. He finds an add that says: “are you looking for some BIG company?” he decides to click on it, but without realizing, he ends up requesting a “date” with a random woman from the company of the announcement. After a while, someone knocks on the door, it´s a woman, but she´s as tall as the door frame; and she´s ready to do with him whatever either of them can have in mind.


A woman who has always taken care of her shape and checked on her weight decides to let herself go, ever since she was young, she had made sure to keep a slim shape and a low weight; now, she´ll enjoy one of the pleasures in life, food. She then finds out the effect gaining weight has on her body; at first, she comes from a skinny girl to a curvaceous woman, wide hips and large breasts. But suddenly, she finds out there´s another side effect, she´s growing taller too, at the age of 26, it´s really uncommon for most people to grow, the question is, how tall can she get?


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